Worker representatives invaded the House of Representatives asking for a wage increase of 712 baht/day.


Bangkok, May 1-labor representatives escort to the House of Representatives national labor day Submit a claim asking for an increase in wages to 712 baht/day

Makhawan Rangsan Bridge area Ministry of Education page The Confederation of Thai Labor Solidarity or SRTC and the Confederation of State Enterprise Workers Relations or SROR and various labor union groups. A group of more than 1,000 migrant workers joined together to organize activities on National Labor Day 2023 by making an appointment at the Democracy Monument, marching, making speeches, holding up various proposals. to the Government House to submit a claim to the government on Labor Day

Mr. Manop Kuerat, secretary-general of the Labor Representative Office, said that in addition to submitting a claim related to work and the lives of the labor brothers and sisters to the government All labor representatives have agreed to present an urgent demand that the government needs to deal with immediately, namely raising the daily minimum wage to 712 baht per day because now the Thai economy is starting to recover. And the cost of living in the country is constantly rising. But the cost of living remains the same. Although it has just been adjusted at the beginning of the year It’s still far from the numbers that were previously presented.

confirm that the figure of 712 baht per day is a reasonable number because through questionnaires from Thai workers across the country Plus the inflation figure is 7-8% higher, if not adjusted, it will be more difficult to live together. This figure was proposed by the unions to the government in 2017, but has always been dropped. This figure is reasonable and possible. Including submitting a proposal for the government to reduce the cost of living that is currently increasing significantly Both the cost of water, gas and electricity are on the agenda for urgent consideration along with increasing wages. and to the political parties that will form the new government After the May 14 election, Thai workers should be given priority. especially the workers in the country more Both about wages and living As for the daily wage figures that various political parties Offered in the campaign from 450 to 600 baht per day, but the union sees the figure to be offered to the government at 712 baht.

Source: Thai News Agency