Villagers in Rim Kok Subdistrict are suffering after the Kok River swept away their entire homes.


Villagers of Muang Ngim, Village 4, Rim Kok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province, are suffering greatly after the Kok River swept away their entire house, leaving only a refrigerator to look at. Meanwhile, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation is still distributing drinking water and relief bags to various areas where assistance has been requested.

Muang Chiang Rai District: Even though yesterday (13 September) the water level of the Kok River continued to decrease, today it has rained since morning, causing red areas with high flooding, such as Ban Muang Ngim, Village No. 4, Rim Kok Subdistrict, Muang District, Chiang Rai Province. Villagers have suffered greatly after the Kok River swept away their entire house on the night of 10 September. Now only a freezer remains, leaving a family of 4 people able to only come and look at the spot where their house used to be and hope to receive help so that they can have a home to live in again.

Mr. Suriya Buarapha, the owner of the house
, tearfully recounted that on the day of the incident, he went to help other houses move their belongings to escape the flood. However, he never thought that the wooden house he had lived in his whole life would disappear before his eyes. In addition, the noodle shop in front of the house, which was his livelihood, was swept away by the water, leaving everyone penniless. Even though today is the fourth day, the whole family still cannot accept it. They can only come to look at the area where the house used to be, where now only the pillars and the freezer remain.

The youngest member of the family said that this was the first time he had encountered flooding since he was born. He did not think it would be this bad. He was sad that his entire house, including school supplies and documents, was gone. However, he had to smile and endure because everyone in the family was still together.

While the district public health office went to the area to survey vulnerable groups stranded in their homes in the Ban Muang
Ngim community, which is still flooded and is still a risk area, they also distributed basic medicine and warned the public to be careful of water-borne diseases, especially Leptospirosis.

Officials from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Chiang Rai Province are still working hard this morning to prepare food, prepare drinking water, and provide relief bags to distribute to various areas where assistance has been requested.

The provincial disaster prevention and mitigation office said that what the victims need most right now is drinking water, consumer goods because there is no tap water, clothes, survival bags, medicine, and cleaning supplies. In the city where the water has receded, residents want to go into their homes to clean them so they can return to living normally.

For the flood situation in Muang Chiang Rai District, the overall picture is currently affecting 8 sub-districts, 59 villages, 18 communities in Chiang Rai Municipality. The water level is currently decreasing, aff
ecting a total of 52 communities. The Kok River level is likely to decrease, but there is still high flooding in some communities.

Source: Thai News Agency