Vice President hails RoK association for contributions to bilateral ties


Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan attributed outcomes of cooperation between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) to significant contributions by individuals, organisations and associations, including the Association of Korean People Loving Vietnam (VESAMO), during her reception for a visiting VESAMO delegation in Hanoi on July 3.

The official called the Vietnam-RoK collaboration a model of international cooperation based on the three pillars of politics, economy and people-to-people exchange, noting that the two countries elevated their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership in December 2012, opening up a new development period for their relations.

She spoke highly of the effective, practical operation of the association over the past more two 20 years, and noted a hope that it will organise more activities in cooperation with its Vietnamese partners such as the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-RoK Friendship Association (VRFA).

For his part, VESAMO President Chang Ho Ick affirmed that his association will coordinate with the VUFO and the VRFA to soon roll out exchanges for businesses of the two countries, and sketch out plans for people-to-people exchanges.

He called on the Vice President to further support operations of friendship associations, including the VRFA.

Established in 2002 in Busan, the VESAMO is a non-profit organisation, gathering scholars, businesspeople, lawyers, artists, intellectuals and others. The association has given good sentiments and practical support to the Vietnamese community in the RoK. Over the past five years, it has also assisted Vietnamese Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin victims and disadvantaged students./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency