Uncovering the mystery of a Grade 3 student who killed a classmate and buried his body in a clay pit


A Mathayom 3 male student who killed his classmate and dumped his body in an abandoned clay pit was taken to the Songkhla Juvenile and Family Court. The motive was revealed to be anger after his friend insulted his mother.

The case of the discovery of the body of Nong Fang, 15 years old, a Mathayom 3 student at a school in Tambon Khlong Hoi Khong, Amphoe Khlong Hoi Khong, Songkhla Province, who died while still wearing her school uniform in an abandoned clay pit, Ban Thon Mai Pai, Village 4, Tambon Khlong Hoi Khong, after going missing since the evening of September 24th, along with a black Honda Wave motorcycle and 1 mobile phone, after riding a motorcycle to send 2 friends home, and relatives posted pictures looking for her until a mushroom picker found her at 10:00 AM yesterday (September 29th), before the police later arrested the perpetrator, who was a boy named A (assumed name), 15 years old, a close friend in class of the deceased and the person the deceased rode his motorcycle to send home every day
. Initial questioning revealed that he committed the crime alone because he was angry that the deceased had cursed at his father and mother, so he tricked his friends into killing him and hiding him in an abandoned clay pit, and stole the motorcycle and left it at his girlfriend’s house, while he sold the mobile phone.

After that, the police took the boy to seize the black Honda Wave motorcycle that he drove to leave at his girlfriend’s house in Ban Rai area, Ban Phru Subdistrict, Hat Yai District, and the mobile phone that he took to sell at the phone shop. He took him to point out the scene where his friend’s body was dumped in an abandoned clay pit. The boy cooperated and told the whole story of the incident, starting with riding the motorcycle with Fang, who was the driver, and taking him to the scene of the incident which was in the forest. Then he parked the motorcycle and got out to punch Fang, who could not fight back because he was bigger, so he passed out. At first, he rode the motorcycle away, but
rode back and used the rope tied around his pants to strangle his friend who was lying unconscious but still breathing for about 1 minute until he became still. He dragged his friend’s body to dump in the clay pit before riding the deceased’s motorcycle to pick up his girlfriend and took her to ride back to look at the deceased’s body in the clay pit again before riding away from the scene and leaving the motorcycle at his girlfriend’s house.

The Khlong Hoi Khong Police Station obtained footage from a CCTV camera, which is one of the important pieces of evidence in this case. It shows the moment when the boy rode the deceased’s motorcycle, taking his girlfriend home, hugging her waist, even though he had just killed his friend. In addition, the police also brought another friend who rode home with him that day for questioning. He stated that they were in the same group, but the perpetrator was the ringleader in the group and would force the deceased to ride his motorcycle home regularly. On September 25, aft
er school at 1:00 p.m., the three of them rode their motorcycles home together, with Fang dropping him off first. Therefore, they did not know what happened after that because the perpetrator came to school as usual without any suspicious behavior. As for Fang, she disappeared. She only found out on the day someone found her body that her friend had been killed, even though they were in the same group of friends. However, she did not know what caused it because they were still talking well when they rode together.

While the boy’s relatives said that they did not know that the boy had killed his friend because during the past 5 days after the incident, he had been living a normal life at home and had never told anyone in the house about this. Until the police went to his house and brought him in for questioning until he confessed. This morning, the police took the boy, the perpetrator, out of the detention cell at Khlong Hoi Khong Police Station and took him to the Juvenile and Family Court in Songkhla Provin
ce for the interdisciplinary team to question him because the suspect is still a juvenile. While being taken to the car, the boy did not answer any questions, saying only briefly that he apologized to his friends and mother for making them sad. His mother and older sister also got in the car.

Initially, the police charged him with intentional murder, concealing a corpse, and robbery resulting in the death of another person. They are also preparing to call the friend who was in the car with him on the day of the incident and the perpetrator’s girlfriend to question them about their involvement in the incident. If they are found to have knowledge of or participated in the crime, they will be charged.

Source: Thai News Agency