Two laws, three resolutions get parliament’s approval on June 22


The 21st working day of the 15th National Assembly (NA)’s fifth session took place on June 22 under the chair of NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

In the morning, legislators listened to Le Quang Huy, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA Committee for Science, Technology and Environment, presenting a report on amendments to the draft revised Law on Electronic Transactions.

They later voted on the bill, which received support from the majority.

Le Quang Manh, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA Committee for Finance and Budget, delivered a report on amendments to the draft resolution on the allocation of capital for the socio-economic recovery and development programme, the allocation and adjustment of the medium-term public investment plan using the central budget in the 2021 – 2025 period, and the allocation of the 2023 investment plan using the central budget for the national target programmes.

The draft resolution was also approved by the parliament.

After that, NA deputies scrutinised the draft revised Law on Telecommunications at the plenary discussion. Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung gave further information about the issues mentioned by NA deputies.

In the afternoon, Bui Van Cuong, member of the NA Standing Committee, Secretary General of the NA and Chairman of the NA Office, reported on the adjustments of the fifth session’s agenda, which was later approved by the majority of legislators.

He also delivered a report on amendments to the draft resolutions on the establishment of the NA’s specialised supervisory delegations for 2024.

The NA adopted the resolutions, under which a delegation was set up to supervise the implementation of the NA’s Resolution No 43/2022/QH15, dated January 11, 2022, on fiscal and monetary policies for helping with the socio-economic recovery and development programme, along with the NA resolutions on some nationally important projects by the end of 2023; while another was also formed to supervise the enforcement of polices and laws on the management of the real estate market and social housing development from 2015 through 2023.

Le Tan Toi, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA Committee for Defence and Security, read a report on amendments to a draft law revising and supplementing some articles of the Law on the People’s Public Security Force.

This draft was approved by the legislature the same day.

In addition, lawmakers also discussed the draft revised Law on Citizen Identification, about which further information was also given by Minister of Public Security To Lam./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency