Two interventions to tackle stunting in East Java: Govenor

Self Care

East Java Province is striving to reduce the stunting rate through two interventions, namely the specific intervention in the health sector with a 30-percent contribution and sensitive intervention in the non-health sector with a 70-percent contribution.

“We continue to make various efforts, such as cross-sectoral coordination, education, and counseling. Coordination is about nutrition, food for infants and children, the implementation of immunizations, and the regular monitoring of toddlers’ growth at integrated health posts (posyandu),” East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said here on Sunday.

As part of the intervention efforts in fighting stunting, the East Java government strengthens the provision of nutritional intake for pregnant women and toddlers, as well as gives special assistance to stunted babies.

“The East Java Provincial Government has worked hard to reduce the stunting rate as low as possible. The President is targeting to reduce the stunting rate to 14 percent by 2024, this will be  hard work for all of us,” Parawansa said.

Meanwhile, counseling on exclusive breastfeeding and complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI) are also carried out.

Based on data from the Indonesian Toddler Nutritional Status Survey (SSGBI), the stunting prevalence in East Java declined from 26.86 percent in 2019 to 25.64 percent in 2020. In 2021, it dropped to 23.5 percent.

She added in stunting handling, the East Java Provincial Government has involved various parties, including the participation of many institutions, community organizations, universities, professional organizations, and other nongovernmental partners.

Furthermore, she mentioned, the causes of stunting include a lack of balanced nutritional intake and continuous infection by diseases.

“Every toddler with poor nutritional status gets treatment,” the governor said.

According to her, it is important for the community to regularly monitor the growth and development of toddlers, by visiting the integrated health post.


Source:  Antara News

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