Transport explains reform of bus routes to facilitate travel and reduce traffic problems


The Department of Land Transport confirmed the improvement of bus routes according to the plan to reform bus routes in the Bangkok and surrounding areas to facilitate people’s travel and reduce traffic congestion.

Regarding the posts on social media about the reform of bus routes in the Bangkok and its vicinity, the Department of Land Transport would like to inform that the issue is an action taken in accordance with the reform plan for bus routes in the Bangkok and its vicinity, which is in line with the policy of the Ministry of Transport to improve passenger service and to be able to connect the bus system with other forms of public transportation, both the rail system, i.e. all electric train networks, the future high-speed rail system, and the boat system, which is another form of transportation that people use a lot. In addition, we want buses to act as feeders to take passengers to the electric train stations to increase the convenience of our brothers and sisters in traveling by public transportatio
n, without having to use personal cars to reduce traffic congestion. The Department of Land Transport has issued licenses for 237 reform routes, 130 to private companies

and 107 to the BMTA. The BMTA has arranged all 107 reform routes on July 25, 2024, by operating the reform routes that the BMTA has been permitted to operate alongside some of the original routes.

As for the original routes that overlap with the reform routes, As for the private companies operating the BMTA transport services, they will stop operating on 25 July 2024 and will transfer the operation of 14 routes to private companies, consisting of routes 3-35 (1), 3-1 (2), 3-36 (4), 3-3 (11), 3-37 (12), 3-6 (25), 1-39 (71), 3-45 (77), 4-44 (80), 4-15 (82), 4-46 (84), 4-17 (88), 4-56 (165), and route 4-61 (515). The private companies that are licensed to operate transport on the reform routes have been operating the reform routes alongside the original routes since 2023. Currently, the number of buses and trips has been increased to be suffic
ient for the number of passengers, and some routes have been operating during the night in line with public travel demand. In the initial phase, operators will specify the original route numbers alongside the reform route numbers. To reduce public confusion, during the transition period, public transport operators under the reform plan of the Department of Land Transport will strictly monitor the operation of vehicles to ensure that they comply with the specified conditions.

If the route or conditions on any route are found to be inappropriate, the Department of Land Transport will consider adjusting the conditions to be consistent with the travel needs of the public. However, if the public is inconvenienced by using public transport services, they can file a complaint at the Department of Land Transport hotline 1584, 24 hours a day. -114 Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency