The Prime Minister waded through the mud in Mae Sai to encourage the villagers, insisting that he would not abandon them.

Internal Affairs

The Prime Minister wore rubber boots and went through the mud to listen to the flood situation in Mae Sai at the Chiang Rai checkpoint. He ordered the army to speed up assistance and deliver food to the victims. Meanwhile, the villagers cried and hugged each other, saying that everything had been done and that there was nothing left. The Prime Minister was in tears giving encouragement, insisting that he would not abandon them.

At 11.45 am, Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister and her entourage arrived at Mae Sai Border Checkpoint 1, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province, in a black Toyota Vellfire, registration number 9 Kor Kor 3882 Bangkok, to receive a briefing on the situation in Chiang Rai Province.

Upon arrival, the Prime Minister went to meet and thank Mr. Kasidit Thiraprateep, the world jet ski champion, who rode his jet ski through the rapids to help people who were still stranded in the area.

The Prime Minister then listened to a report on the flood situation in Mae Sai District and asked
how many people were trapped in the area and whether there was enough food. He also asked how many people who were ready to leave the area could be brought out, whether flat-bottomed boats or other vehicles could be used to get them out, and whether there were any areas that were too difficult.

The military representative reported that there are now soldiers and special operations forces, SEALs, going in to help. There are still people trapped in the area and food is not accessible. Some areas require jet skis and real experts to get in.

In addition, the military representative also reported on the impact of the water currents, including the matter of helping and evacuating people, and delivering food to people who are still stranded in their homes. In this matter, the Prime Minister is concerned about helping people, especially people in areas where the water is still high and difficult to help, especially the areas of the Koh Sai community, Ban Muang Daeng, and the Lung Khann Wood Market, where there is s
till high flooding and the current is still difficult.

The military representative also said that for areas where assistance is difficult, whether it is evacuating people or delivering food supplies, helicopters and special forces have been sent to the area to indicate targets for the helicopters so that assistance can be provided at the right spot. Today, the navy’s amphibious assault vehicle (AAV) will be sent to provide assistance on another side. It is expected that at least 300 people who are still trapped will be able to be rescued. However, the Prime Minister thanked the soldiers who went in to help since the first day.

The Prime Minister then walked to the 1st Mae Sai Friendship Bridge (Mae Sai), where the damage caused by the flooding and mudslides was noted. It was found that the river had receded, but there was still a lot of mud. This is considered a border economic point that has been severely affected.

Later, the Prime Minister went to greet, talk and give encouragement to the villagers. Duri
ng this time, the Prime Minister had tears in his eyes from time to time because he felt sorry for the villagers. At one point, the Prime Minister hugged the villagers to give them encouragement. The villagers were all happy to see the Prime Minister. Some even cried and hugged him. The villagers said, ‘Just the Prime Minister’s hug is enough.’

The Prime Minister replied, ‘This is also an encouragement for the Prime Minister. I will hurry back to work and look into compensation to see what kind of assistance is available.’ The villagers told the Prime Minister, ‘Don’t abandon each other.’ The Prime Minister then reiterated, ‘I won’t abandon you.’

The Prime Minister told the people that after this, the government will gradually help take care of them. While the villagers are lamenting that everything is gone, there is nothing left. The Prime Minister said that there are still lives left, the spirit to continue fighting. The Prime Minister then sent encouragement and talked about not worrying. Currently, offi
cials have gone in to help by sending both personnel and equipment. And from the report that today the water level will gradually decrease, which will make it possible to go in and help by boat and bring food to help.

Source: Thai News Agency