The Prime Minister ordered the Cabinet to scan the qualifications of political officials.

Internal Affairs

PM orders Cabinet to scan qualifications of political officials, points out more time needed to examine qualifications after Constitutional Court rules on ethical standards

Mr. Jirayu Huangtrakul, advisor to the Prime Minister, announced the results of the Cabinet meeting that the Prime Minister had an important order in the Cabinet meeting, which was the appointment of political officials. It can be seen that for two weeks, the matter could not be proposed to the Cabinet meeting. This was due to the Constitutional Court’s ruling regarding ethical standards, including the Political Officials Act B.E. 2535, which specified the qualifications of political officials, which required more time to examine such qualifications in order to ensure accuracy and compliance with relevant laws. He asked for opinions from 14 related agencies, such as the Royal Thai Police, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), and the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB). The Prime Minister stated in the Cabinet meeting that the appoi
ntment of political officials this time would take longer, and for the next appointment, he asked the ministers to carefully examine the qualifications of those who will become political officials before sending their names to the Office of the Prime Minister’s Secretariat (O.P.C.).

Mr. Jirayu also said that in the cabinet meeting, many ministers asked what to do because in the past, they only sent names and various educational documents for the cabinet meeting to consider and screen. But this time, the prime minister wants the ministers of the relevant ministries to consider their qualifications carefully.

Source: Thai News Agency