The Prime Minister is confident that tens of thousands of dollars will create a big economic whirlwind.

Internal Affairs

Prime Minister Kicks Off Transfer of 10,000 Baht to Stimulate the Economy To the holders of the State Welfare Card – the disabled. On the first day, it is confident that it will create a big economic whirlwind, emphasizing that there are many more policies to stimulate the economy in the future. Let’s put in place a system before continuing Phase 2-3 to believe that it will improve the economy.

Ms. Patongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, presided over the Kick Off Ceremony of the 2024 Economic Stimulus Program through State Welfare Card holders and people with disabilities, along with the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers.

The Prime Minister said that Thailand has been experiencing chronic economic problems for many years. The factors that cause these economic problems are not only domestic factors. There are still problems that are happening around the world, where the global economy is recovering more slowly than usual. This year’s flood problem is considered one of the most serious problems in history.
We will obviously see the money from our system is gone. Now circulating money is considered almost a rarity. Money does not turn, the economy is sluggish. This makes investment less. New industries that will emerge in Thailand The investments are significantly less. Of course, the problem that arises the most affected groups are the vulnerable groups with low incomes, including the disabled. Therefore, the economy must be ready for investment and new industries that will emerge in Thailand. In order for Thai people to have stability and earn sustainable income.

The Prime Minister said that the various policies that the government has emphasized in the past work since the previous government of Mr. Settha Thaweesin. Prime Minister, one year ago until today, we have emphasized the issue of economic policy. Because they know that it is necessary to make the people’s lives and happiness better. But each policy may take months or some years. In order to make the policy continue and really reach the people, all o
f which are challenges for the government and require political potential. In order for the policy to continue to develop to the people. Of course, all of this is the challenge of the government to turn all this into an opportunity for the brothers and sisters of the people. In the past, the government has focused on the economy and has issued many policies such as the policy of suspending farmers’ debts, which at the Cabinet meeting (Cabinet) has already resolved to leave and be done for the second year. It is obvious that the number of tourism has increased significantly in the past year, but tourism has not stimulated the economy enough to stimulate the whole country’s economy.

“Today, Thailand will be stimulated in a big way, with cash reaching the Thai people, and the economic system will be replenished with a circulation of more than 145,552 million baht, creating the first major economic whirlwind that will truly benefit the people. This round of economic stimulus policies will reach 14.55 million vul
nerable people. It is divided into 12.40 million people with state welfare cards and 2.15 million people with disabilities. Everyone will receive 10,000 baht in cash through the PromptPay account of the State Welfare Card holder and through the original interest receipt channel for the disabled. Whether you have used to use a bank account or cash through a local government organization, you will receive the money in the same way. When the time comes, the public will be able to spend immediately. Of course, we will gradually transfer money for 4 days starting today, and it will reach all 14.55 million people,” said Ms. Patongtarn.

Ms. Patongtarn said that this policy will help distribute economic opportunities to the people. Create hope and bring a good quality of life to the people. This makes the people’s brothers and sisters have food and use. As I have said, this amount of 10,000 baht can create opportunities to create a new life for the people, and the government is confident in the potential of the peop
le to use this money in a useful way. Create new opportunities for yourself and your family. The government is confident that the people will be able to make the most of this money and would like to emphasize once again that this policy is one of the economic stimulus policies.

Ms. Patongtarn said that what everyone is waiting for and asking about the government is to continue to move forward with the digital wallet project in order to make the important economic stimulus to lay the foundation of the digital economy for Thai people. Easier to connect with the state, more transparent Easier to check This is the foundation from today, and we are developing this system. In a little while, it will be about the remedy that the state can transfer directly to the people. This is what we will put in place the digital economy so that the people will be more comfortable and faster to receive various relief payments from the government, and the public can follow the news and check information through all channels of th
e Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. All of this will be an important goal to create an environment that is conducive to the lives of the brothers and sisters to have more hope. It is an extension for brothers and sisters to have more opportunities in life, and of course create equality in opportunities and sincerely hope that this policy and many other government policies that revive the economy will be as good as before. This makes the people happy again.

Then, there was a live report from the local people who received money transfers from the project. The first case was a citizen from Chiang Mai province, and the Prime Minister asked if he had received the money and what it would be used for. The government is glad to have given the money, I wish you great happiness while the people thank the Prime Minister and will use the money in their daily lives.

The other case is a disabled man from Samut Sakhon Province. The Prime Minister asked what time he received the
money, and the people replied that at 3:15 a.m., the Prime Minister said to the ministers who were present, “Is it 35 a.m., is it a lucky number?” before continuing to ask if he was happy, and the government was happy, and what would he use the money for? The pampers dry nutritious rice, so the Prime Minister said that it was good, 10,000 baht can buy a lot. The disabled man then thanked the government and Mr. Warawut Silpaacha. Minister of Social Development and Human Security for assisting

And the last case was a citizen of Uttaradit province, where the video call signal was rarely heard, so the Prime Minister gave a thumbs up and said, “If you are happy, give it a thumbs up.” The villagers then gave a thumbs up in response. Before the Prime Minister handed over the iLoveU symbol and said, Good luck.

The Prime Minister then walked from the Peace and Friendship Building to the connecting road to the Thai Twin Towers, saying that the following phases 2 and 3 would like to put the system in place first. I am
also happy with the people and I am glad with the government for making the economy better.

Source: Thai News Agency