The Prime Minister is confident that he will do the right thing. The issue shakes up “Big Joke” – appoints “Big Tor” as Police Commander.

Internal Affairs

The Prime Minister is confident that the appointment of “Big Tor” as “Police Commander” was done according to the law. On the day of the election, there was a clear resolution. As for the issue of transferring “Big Joke” back to the Royal Thai Police, he performed his duty. If you don’t do it, you risk being charged with Section 157, which confirms that there is no flag to punish anyone.

Mr. Settha Thaweesin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mention the case where Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, former deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police, filed a complaint with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), asking the NACC chairman to take action against the Prime Minister under Section 157. base of performing duties illegally From the case of appointment Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon is the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Police (Commander), including issuing an order to send Pol. Gen. Surachet back to the Royal Thai Police Headquarters. Before Pol. Gen. Kittirat Phanphet, Deputy Commissioner o
f the Royal Thai Police and Acting Police Commander, issued an order to remove him from government service, he said that this matter was not new. Someone had already cried once. And today there was a repeat of the chant. He is confident that he can explain because he was appointed with fairness. In the appointment process, there is a process for listening to opinions from everyone fairly. There is a wide discussion to come to a conclusion.

When asked Pol.Gen.Surachet Complaining as someone who had a vested interest in the past appointment of the Police Commander, the Prime Minister said, ‘The score that day was clear, 9 to 1, which is a clear indication. There was 1 person who did not vote, while the rest chose Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon to be the commander of the Royal Thai Police. There was only one disapproving voice. It was considered a unanimous vote.’

As for Pol. Gen. Surachet Complain about being transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office and being transferred back to the Royal Thai Police. This led t
o an order to be temporarily removed from government service. The Prime Minister said that this was a matter that the Royal Thai Police had proposed and he had sent it back. It’s just an acknowledgment, and in fact, if you don’t comply, you’ll face Section 157. I’m confident that I’ll follow every law. and did not take sides with anyone and does not benefit any one person

Has this been noted or not? that the matter happened a long time ago Why did you come to complain just now? The Prime Minister said that he was wondering the same thing, but that it was okay because he believed that everything was done according to the law. and did not bully anyone I am not biased against any one person. Put the interests of the people first.

As for the progress of the investigation of the committee investigating the case, Police General Torsak and Police General Surachet Has there been any progress reported? The Prime Minister said not yet, but the matter of Pol. Gen. Surachet had been released from government service bef
ore It is a different matter from that of the audit committee. The committee must continue to investigate and provide fairness. which was last weekend I met the committee members. He said that he was investigating both of them to ensure fairness. Not rushing anyone. There is no flag that says One of them must be guilty. Everything is in accordance with the justice process.-316.-

Source: Thai News Agency