The Prime Minister delivers a message on National Children’s Day

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, The Prime Minister delivers a message on National Children’s Day. Emphasize that the government places importance on developing people’s potential throughout their lives.

Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, delivered a message on the occasion. ‘National Children’s Day’ for the year 2024, Saturday, January 13, 2024. Children and youth play an important role in determining the future of society and the nation. The government places importance on developing people’s potential throughout their lives. Especially during childhood and youth, knowledge, skills, and learning must be developed. To enhance potential in every dimension appropriately Both physical and mental health including having experience and skills in living in today’s world and be ready to grow up to be a quality adult in the future The government is committed to creating opportunities in every aspect for children and youth. Including cultivating good people, discipline, morality and ethics. Adhere to the nation’s main institutions To en
able children and youth to grow into quality adults in society

National Children’s Day this year I gave the motto: ‘Look at the world, be creative. respect differences Let’s build democracy together” for all children, youth, and parents. Realize that today’s world is connected, borderless and changing rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to have a broad, international perspective. Have a broad worldview Ready to learn new things Able to think analytically, differentiate and create innovations Including being a person who continuously learns To adapt to keep pace with the digital world that is full of change. as well as being a citizen who respects and accepts differences and diversity in all dimensions Have an open mind and mind. Listen to other people’s opinions This is the basis for building a strong democratic society and being a force for social development and driving national development. Above all, he is the person who preserves and brings Thai identity to the international level.

on the occasion of ‘
National Children’s Day’ for the year 2024, I would like to wish all Thai children and youth Experience only happiness, prosperity, and have a healthy body and mind. To grow into a quality adult, complete with happiness and stability in life. To jointly create Thai society for further progress.

Source: Thai News Agency