The Prime Minister confirmed that the government is giving importance to solving the drug problem.

Internal Affairs

“Prime Minister Paethongtarn” held a policy meeting for the ONCB board, confirming that the government prioritizes solving the drug problem, including it as one of the 10 urgent matters, preparing to expand to 25 pilot provinces, aiming to rehabilitate drug addicts and return them to society.

Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, chaired the policy presentation at the 2/2567 meeting of the Narcotics Control Board. She opened the meeting by saying that she was very happy to be able to hold this meeting today. This is a very important matter for the country. It is the foundation for further economic development because the economy must be well taken care of. After visiting many provinces, she received feedback on the drug problem, whether from MPs or the people themselves. Because it is a big problem, it destroys both mental health and creates problems for families. The government has designated the drug problem as one of the 10 urgent policies that must be implemented immediately. It will expand from
the government’s operations since the government of Mr. Settha Thavisin, former Prime Minister, who designated the prevention and solution of drug problems as a national agenda.

Ms. Paethongtarn said that she has been following up since June to August 31st in 25 intensive provinces where we focus on solving problems. The results have been measured and it is clear to see the dedication and sincerity of cooperation. She would like to thank all sectors, both the government sector, the security sector, the administrative agencies, especially the ONCB committee for their full cooperation. The survey of public satisfaction has clearly increased in these 25 provinces. She would like to thank the team and has learned that many large producers have been arrested, which has reduced the number of small producers and made them arrest as well. The public feels safer and more satisfied.

Ms. Paethongtarn said that she would like to organize phases and expand the number of provinces faster so that it can cover the entire c
ountry as soon as possible. In addition to these 25 provinces that have already been helped, there are many other provinces that have asked for help, which we must continue to do strongly, such as areas that have already been made models, such as the Thawatchaburi Model in Roi Et Province and the Tha Wang Pha Model in Nan Province. These are things that have been done and have been very effective because they have gone down to discuss border issues to seal the borders to prevent drugs from entering from other countries.

Ms. Paethongtarn said that in the past, we have provided equipment to officers, such as night vision and four-wheel drive vehicles, to make arrests more effective and safer. Therefore, we will continue to drive this issue and use the lessons learned from the successful operations in the past 25 provinces to make them more effective. Whatever is useful will be continued and is a step to shorten the process and make it more effective.

‘We are currently trying to focus on suppression, treatment
, and rehabilitation, as well as enabling drug users to re-enter society and be ready to work after recovery. Because some people who have recovered but have no work return to the drug cycle again. Therefore, we want to end this problem for the people,’ the Prime Minister said.

Source: Thai News Agency