The Minister of Education opens the 2nd National Education Council Assembly


‘Phetphun’ opens the 2nd National Education Council Assembly ‘Join hands and build Thai education together’

Pol. Gen. Phermpoon Chidchob, Minister of Education, presided over the opening ceremony of the 2nd National Education Council Assembly under the concept of ‘All for Education, Join Hands, Build Thai Education Together’, along with Dr. Atthaphon Sangkhawasi, Secretary-General of the Education Council, and representatives from the network of provincial education councils, representatives from various sectors, totaling 600 people from 4 regions nationwide.

Pol. Gen. Phemphun said that the 2nd National Education Council Assembly ‘Join Hands, Build Thai Education Together’ and delivered a special lecture on ‘ABE Area-Based Education Drives National Education’, which has the main idea that the key to human resource development is education in which all sectors must participate to develop education to meet the needs of different contexts of areas. Area-Based Education: ABE is the answer to having society pa
rticipate in education management, giving opportunities for stakeholders in the area or community to participate with the government sector in education management by efficiently using available resources in the area. The government sector is the supporter, supervisor, and facilitator for the area to participate in the operation. Creating a learning society for the new world requires organizing a variety of teaching and learning formats, allowing learners to learn anywhere, anytime (Anywhere Anytime), reducing educational inequality.

Dr. Atthaphon stated that the National Education Council Assembly was organized for the second consecutive year with cooperation from educational network partners who joined in hosting the meeting. The objective is to promote participation from all sectors in education management. Today’s event will be a central platform to exchange knowledge, connect, develop networks to be stronger, and use the consensus from this Education Council Assembly as an important guideline to drive o
perations to raise the quality of education management in the area, linking to the national level to produce tangible results.

Source: Thai News Agency