The House unanimously passed the draft bill to revoke NCPO orders on the South.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, The House unanimously approved the draft bill to revoke the NCPO’s orders on the South and to define the powers and duties of the ISOC to create connectivity among the people.

The House of Representatives meeting today (10 July 2024) was chaired by Mr. Padipat Santipada, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. The meeting considered the draft bill to revoke the order of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) No. 14/2016 on the Advisory Committee on the Administration and Development of the Southern Border Provinces (SBPAC) and the determination of the powers and duties of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC). Mr. Chaturon Chaisaeng, Chairman of the Special Committee, discussed the principles of the draft bill, stating that the committee used the draft bill proposed by Mr. Chusak Sirinil, MP of the Pheu Thai Party, as the main draft for consideration. The result of the consideration of all 6 sections, the committee saw that when the NCPO order is revo
ked, the SBPAC appointed by the order will terminate, including the effects of related laws, regulations, rules, announcements, orders, and Cabinet resolutions that were suspended by the NCPO order will return to their original force. The committee added 1 new provision to clearly specify the time frame for the appointment of the Advisory Council on the Administration and Development of the Southern Border Provinces. And add reasons, observations of this draft law for the Cabinet and related agencies to improve and amend it to be consistent and appropriate for solving the current southern border problems, including giving importance to public participation. The committee has studied the results of the NCPO order and found that over the past 8 years, this order has led to an advisory board that is not connected to the people. Therefore, in order to bring back the advisory council, the relationship between the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and the ISOC must be reorganized. The role and
connection with the people must be increased, and the new advisory council should have appropriate components that allow people from all sectors to truly participate and play a role in public discussions so that the peace process can be successful.

After the debate of the members on each section in the second reading, in the third reading, the meeting voted in favor with 406 votes and 1 abstention. Therefore, it is considered a unanimous resolution to approve the draft bill.

Source: Thai News Agency