The House Security Committee is preparing to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bank of Thailand.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Rangsiman” urges the Prime Minister to answer a live question from the Move Forward Party asking the Thai government’s position on the case of Thai banks being used to support the Myanmar war, with the Security Committee preparing to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bank of Thailand.

Rangsiman Rome, MP for the Move Forward Party and Chairman of the House of Representatives’ Security Committee, spoke about the case in which representatives from various sectors provided information to the committee about Thai banks being used to support the war in Myanmar. He said that he did not know the government’s position on this matter. He thought that the government had a duty to provide a clear answer. The inspection and prevention processes must cooperate to prevent the Thai banking system from being involved in blood money, which is used to launder money to buy weapons and kill innocent people in Myanmar. The banking sector alone is not enough. The Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) must p
lay an important role. Therefore, he asked Prime Minister Settha Thavisin if the Prime Minister answered himself. He thought that if he had assigned someone else to answer, it would reduce the weight of this matter.

‘If Mr. Settha Thavisin can come and answer himself, it will be more beneficial to Thailand as the head of the administration. Normally, there are many posts, except for last week when there was a lot of pressure on the Prime Minister until finally the Prime Minister decided to come and answer himself. But normally, we see the image of assigning this ministry or that ministry. But I think the person who can answer this question the best and bring honor to the country is the Prime Minister because as the head of the government who is involved in various mechanisms, both inspection and even foreign affairs, the Prime Minister can do the best. This matter will be clear if the Prime Minister is the one who speaks and announces it himself. I believe that it will have a good effect on the next report t
hat I believe the special rapporteur will produce and it will be a good image related to Thailand’s role in creating peace in Myanmar,’ said Mr. Rangsiman.

Mr. Rangsiman cited the example of the Singapore government’s operations, which resulted in a decrease in banking systems related to arms procurement in Myanmar within 1 year. Therefore, he believes that Singapore’s model can be adapted for use in Thailand.

Mr. Rangsiman also mentioned a report by Mr. Tom Andrews that stated that Thai financial institutions are being used as a conduit for money from the Myanmar military government to support the purchase of weapons for the war to suppress the people. There is information that in 2023, there will be a total transaction value of 120 million US dollars.

After this, the Security Committee will visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inquire about the continuity of this issue and will go to the Bank of Thailand to follow up on the issue and follow up on the role of the Bank of Thailand in inspecting and pre
venting the country’s financial and fiscal systems from being involved in blood money. As for the fiscal issue, if the government creates clarity, it is thought that it will lead to a clearer resolution of the Myanmar problem and promote Thailand’s role in creating peace in Myanmar.

Source: Thai News Agency