The government is ready to explain government policy.

Internal Affairs

Bhoomtham” reveals that the Prime Minister and all ministers are ready to welcome the opposition and debate policy fully, emphasizing that the interests of the people are the main priority.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Gave an interview before announcing government policy that Both the Prime Minister and all ministers are fully prepared. The government is ready to listen to the opinions of the opposition. Ready to pick up the policies that were campaigned to clarify and understand more clearly. Policy is a big framework. We have to look at the ministries again. Due to the time limit for announcing policy, it must be concise. We are determined to solve the country’s problems despite many obstacles.

When asked if there were any policies that he was concerned about, Mr. Phumtham said that he had nothing to worry about. Happy to listen to the opposition But you must understand that at this time it has not yet started working. When the Prime Minister completes his policy statement, he will have the authority to go to work. But it has been seen that the Prime Minister has previously gone to the area to listen to problems from people in various areas. The policy announced today will be clearer. Especially various urgent matters that need to be done, which will pave the way for solving various problems in the future.

When asked repeatedly, As for how the Ministry of Commerce plans to help solve the problem, Phumitham said that he must admit that the situation is quite difficult. But I’m not worried about anything. We come with a team that is ready to work. By talking with the Director-General Permanent Secretary and civil servants on how to work By taking the goal as a commitment Adhere to the policy guidelines given by the Prime Minister.

As for the opposition saying that the government’s policies do not match what the campaign had campaigned for, Mr. Phumtham said that the opposition can fully ask. The opposition and the government often have different views. It is the duty of the opposition to question policies whether they understand them or not. It is the duty of the government to explain to the people the government’s determination.

When asked whether being a multi-party coalition government would create obstacles to work, Mr. Phumtham said that normally being a coalition government has its difficulties. Because different people have different ideas. But in setting up the government, we have taken this into account. Everyone will see the concrete results that we have done on many matters, such as breaking down polarization, and we have already talked about it. The Pheu Thai Party government intends to work hard. Policy will therefore come primarily from the Pheu Thai Party. Whatever opinions agree, follow that. Any matter that is different can be discussed. The important point is that we put the people in the center. If all parties understand this It is believed that solving problems for the people will be smooth

Source: Thai News Agency