The Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine recommends 3 herbs to reduce fat.


he Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine recommends 3 herbs that reduce fat: garlic, safflower, and roselle, along with tips on Thai-style exercise using the Rishi Datton pose to strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease on World Heart Day. Dr. Kwanchai Wisitthanon, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, said that September 29 of every year is World Heart Day. Heart and blood vessel disease are the leading causes of death among Thais and tend to increase steadily. Factors related to the disease include family history, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, obesity, gender, age, and blood fat levels, which are important causes of heart and blood vessel disease.

The Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine recommends 3 Thai herbs that help prevent heart and blood vessel disease: 1) Garlic: Garlic contains the enzyme allinase. Crushing, chopping, or mincing garlic before eating stimulates the enzyme in garli
c to produce substances that have antioxidant properties, help reduce levels of bad fat in the body, reduce triglyceride levels in the blood, and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.

2) Safflower has properties that help reduce blood fat, nourish the blood, nourish the heart, nourish the lymph and nourish the nerves. 3) Roselle is a medicine in the national herbal medicine list. It has properties as a diuretic, relieves dysuria and has the effect of reducing blood pressure and blood fat by reducing the creation of fat and fat cells, reducing the oxidation of LDL (bad fat). For Roselle, it is contraindicated in patients with impaired kidney function.

In addition to using these herbs, you should avoid eating foods that are high in fat, such as foods that contain coconut milk, fried foods, and foods that are sweet, fatty, and salty. For the recommended menus, such as stewed mushrooms with garlic and pepper, steamed fish with lime, and clear soup with basil leaves. Most importantly, you should exercise r
egularly and choose exercises that are appropriate for your body.

In terms of exercising in the Thai way with Rishi Datton, it is another option that can be chosen to practice as well. It is a physical exercise posture that makes the body alert, helps the blood circulate easily. In addition to gaining strength from physical training, it is also a breathing exercise, along with meditation, helping to relax the mind. It is considered exercise. For anyone who is interested, you can follow the YouTube channel of the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine.

Dr. Kwanchai concluded that to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, in addition to controlling diet and exercise, one should control one’s mood to be bright, not stressed, get enough sleep, avoid smoking, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Most importantly, one should have a physical examination every year. If there are any questions about Thai traditional medicine and herbs, one can seek advice from Thai traditional doctors at stat
e public health service centers nationwide or contact the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine directly at 0 2149 5678 or online at Facebook and the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Line @DTA

Source: Thai News Agency