The Council accepts the principle of revoking NCPO orders.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, The House of Representatives unanimously accepted the principles. ‘Cancel the orders of the NCPO’, ‘Bhumjaithai-RTEC’ help support, but ‘PPRP’ does not discuss it. ‘Jaturon’ points out that this is the first step in amending the special law. Let the people design it themselves.

Reporters reported that the meeting of the House of Representatives This afternoon (21 February), Mr. Padipat Santipada, 1st Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, chaired the meeting. Agenda for considering the draft bill (Act) to repeal Order of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) No. 14/2016 regarding the Advisory Committee for the Administration and Development of the Southern Border Provinces. and the determination of the powers and duties of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) dated April 4, 2016 B.E….. which Mr. Yunaidi Waba and his group proposed, which The meeting agreed to consider together with the draft. Two more similar bills include the one that Mr. Chusak Sirini
l and his group and the one that Mr. Ramadan Panjor and his group proposed.

During one of the discussions, Mr. Pramet Jina, Surat Thani MP Ruam Thai Sang Chat Party Express your opinion that It probably doesn’t matter. Because in each situation There will be a way to solve the problem. If on that day we are here He would probably make this decision as well. But when the event has passed You must change the method. and when evaluating past lessons It will be found that the NCPO orders have not solved the problem as well as they should. It is suggested that the concept be used during the time of Gen. Chatchai Choonhavan, former Prime Minister. that turns the battlefield into a trading field and increasing the proportion of people’s representatives in the advisory councils, such as sub-district and provincial administrative organizations. of the southern border provinces Promote natural resources in the area To be both a fishing source and a tourist attraction to increase income.

While Mr. Zakariya Sai, Narath
iwat MP, Bhumjaithai Party Support discussion Emphasizing the role of the Secretary-General of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and ISOC, which people in other provinces are jealous of. Because the budget usually goes down to the three southern border provinces. But he spoke as a person in the area. I want it to be like other provinces. I don’t need a special agency. But we can’t choose. The budget of hundreds of billions of baht that has come in has not developed anything at all.

‘The important thing is to help heal the people in the area. which the SBP must support People in the southern border provinces do not want anything special than people in other provinces. In addition to a good society, good economy, good education, but with the order of the NCPO to appoint an advisory committee, etc. who have no understanding of the area Therefore, it is considered appropriate that the said order should be canceled. and ISOC who are soldiers Should take care of security. It is not respon
sible for making the economy better. Therefore, we should choose the right person for the job,’ Mr. Zakariya said.

As for Mr. Sukarno Matha, Yala MP, Prachachat Party Discussed in support of canceling NCPO orders But if it is to be as complete as possible, it should cancel 3 documents that the Prachacharat Party has already submitted. in order to solve the problem comprehensively and encourage people to choose representatives to take care of the SBP’s budget. and determine the direction for solving problems

‘The past government seizing power from the democratic government have paranoia An organization that is elected by the people. I asked back: If there is still paranoia There is doubt in the representatives of the people. When considering the budget of the SBP, after 20 years, the government has pushed the budget to more than 500,000 million baht. What has improved? Moreover, the people have been silenced. People dress in Malay clothes. No one dared to come out and speak. People express their identity acc
ording to the constitution. There was no one to take care of me. Go back to depriving yourself of rights. Accused of being a den of thieves Because there is no advisory council. coming from the people I would like to leave it to the working group. Considered canceling the order and allowing the SBP to take charge of the consideration. It is not for the military to lead development,’ Mr. Sukarno said.

Mr. Jaturon Chaisaeng, Pheu Thai Party list MP, as Chairman of the Special Committee (KM.T.), studies, monitors, and promotes peacebuilding in the southern border provinces, discusses that NCPO order 14/2016 refers to that under Southern Border Management Act The advisory council cannot solve the problem. Therefore, there are 3 important contents: refrain from using all sections related to the Advisory Council. and let the Southern Border Management Advisory Committee act on its behalf Second, let the Secretary-General of the Central Bank of Thailand listen to comments from the Secretary-General of ISOC. which i
s a signal saying ISOC is playing a greater role. And lastly, ISOC has a role in protecting and mitigating disasters. In fact, it must be a civilian side.

Mr. Chaturon said why the NCPO is so shaken by the Southern Border Management Act and whether the Advisory Council has the role it should play. Because this council has powers and duties linked to the people, the legal department, and links to peace talks. The SBP has peace duties and the Advisory Council has connections. Feed the opinions of the Advisory Board, which is adapted from the Advisory Council. The person appointed is the Prime Minister. and has the remaining power and duty only to give advice to the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Give opinions on matters that the Prime Minister considers should be listened to. This means that if the Prime Minister does not ask, he does not have to give his opinion.

‘This is different from the Advisory Council which has the duty to give advice. In addition, a working group can be appointed as appropri
ate. But the disappearance of authority Problems therefore arise in every aspect, such as compensation, children and grandchildren of officials are not taken care of. Disputes between states and citizens Educational problems If there are advisory council officials, they will be able to push this matter. People in the three provinces have tried to present their opinions to the government sector. But no one listens Normally, if there is an advisory council He can propose it through the advisory council. This one is missing. There are many other issues that are a problem. Because there is no advisory council,’ Mr. Chaturon said.

Mr. Chaturon said that the problem of NCPO orders Besides not having an advisory council. There is also the matter of expanding the power of ISOC, which has come to investigate the issue. intervene acting on behalf of civil agencies This caused the spirit of having the SBP to be changed. Instead of having civilians play a role The advisory council will The SBP has returned to play a gre
ater role. But even so, it’s still not a magic pill. Because in the latter period there were three very complex organizations at the national level in the three southern border provinces. Having said that, it seems like it is already a special form of government consisting of the National Security Council (NSC), ISOC, and the Central Bank of Thailand. All presided over by the Prime Minister. But there is no coordination or cooperation. to achieve efficiency

‘In addition, there are three special laws in the three southern border provinces, including the Emergency Decree. Internal Security Act and martial law It can be seen that by organizations and laws The army plays a key role in suppressing Today, if we cancel the NCPO orders, it will be an important step in raising ideas from the people to solve the southern border problem. And let’s think about how we design the legal system. Causing peace in the three southern border provinces It was beneficial to the country. The parliament set up a committee. The gove
rnment set up a working group to discuss. If the council approves, it will help understand the problem and will lead to more results,’ Mr. Chaturon said.

Reporters reported that It does not appear that there are MPs from the Phalang Pracharat Party. Participated in the discussion on the said motion. In the end, the meeting resolved to accept the principles of the draft bill (Act) canceling all three orders of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) No. 14/2016. The votes were 421 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 1 abstention from a total of 421 people voting and a proposal to set up an extraordinary committee of 31 people to consider.

Source: Thai News Agency