“Thammanat” is pleased that many agricultural products have continually increased in price.


Bangkok, The Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture held a meeting with ministry executives. Follow the situation of agricultural products Currently, many types of produce have consistently good prices.

Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Chaired the meeting of senior executives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, with Mr. Chaiya Phromma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Anucha Nakasai, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Prayoon Insakul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. and executives of all affiliated departments also participated.

The meeting was informed that prices of many important agricultural products have continued to improve, including rice, cassava, rubber, oil palm, coconut, pineapple, raw milk and pigs, which is a successful result of the advancement of various policies. In particular, strictly suppressing the illegal importation of agricultural products. Focusing on upg
rading agricultural products Accelerate the resolution of the problem of falling agricultural product prices. Put in place measures to deal with disasters, plant and animal diseases, increase the efficiency of water management services during the drought crisis and the lack of rain. As well as managing to increase the amount of water costs for agricultural activities. It is considered a clear success and has had a positive impact on

Captain Thammanat said The Office of Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Economics Office) reported on the situation of jasmine rice (humidity 15%). The price began to increase from November 2023 at 13.29 baht/kg., increasing to a price of 14.05 baht/kg. in January 2024. (Humidity 15%) The price began to increase from November 2023 at the price of 10.74 baht/kg, increasing to the price of 11.31. baht/kilogram in January 2024, partly as a result of the government’s measures to stabilize the price of rice paddy. To slow down the production during the period when it is in the marke
t. Do not let the price of rice fall. There is a credit project to delay the sale of rice paddy. Loan project to collect rice and create added value by farmer institutes and a project to compensate rice traders for their interest in stock keeping, along with decreased production from the El Niño phenomenon. Meanwhile, foreign demand is increasing to compensate for the decreasing domestic rice supply and wanting to reserve rice for the country’s food security. Including India announcing the suspension of exports of white rice that is not Basmati rice. As a result, many countries have switched to purchasing more rice from Thailand. Therefore, it is a driving force for the price of Thai rice to increase.

As for cassava, the current price of cassava (25% starch) averages at 3.20 baht/kilogram, increasing from the September 2023 price of 3.15 baht/kilogram because the government has measures to stabilize the price of cassava. both from the interest compensation project for keeping cassava stocks Project to upgrad
e the potential of cassava processing (Cassava chopper) Loan project to collect cassava and create added value by the Farmers Institute. and a project to increase the efficiency of cassava cultivation In addition, the overall production of the country is insufficient to meet the needs of entrepreneurs in the food industry. Production of alcohol, animal feed, paper, beverages and textiles

For rubber The current price of raw rubber sheets (January 28, 2024) averages at 54.89 baht/kilogram, increasing from the price as of September 2023 at an average price of 45.51 baht/kilogram. The price has begun to increase continuously due to government policies to suppress and Check illegal imports of rubber and agricultural products to prevent them from flowing in from neighboring countries. This is also a result of measures to support the use of rubber in the country as well as from market demand. Industry recovery both at home and abroad Especially the automotive group, etc.

Oil palm currently has an average price of
6.28 baht/kilogram, increasing from September 2023 at a price of 5.06 baht/kilogram due to January 2024 being a period when the output to the market decreased. Meanwhile, the demand for vegetable oils in the world market is increasing. together with the government through the MWA Agreed to establish measures regarding the purchase of oil palm fruit. along with assigning a sub-committee to manage palm oil balance Follow the oil palm and palm oil situation closely. To manage the amount of production, use, and export, including the amount of palm oil stocks, at a balanced level. and is sufficient to meet domestic demand. Therefore, the price of palm fruit is still at a good level.

Coconut currently has an average price of 14.57 baht/fruit, increasing from September 2023 at 7.90 baht/fruit due to decreased production. while the demand for use increases And the government has measures to manage imports in order to increase the amount of coconut production released to the market. with the proportion of imported qu
antities and domestic consumption There is a balance.

Pineapple: Currently, the price of Batavia pineapples sent to factories averages at 10.60 baht/kg. The price has increased from September 2023 at 8.37 baht/kg, which is a result of the government’s policy to deal with natural disasters. In order to produce quality products that meet market demand, the products are of good quality, together with the production being insufficient to meet the needs of the processing factory. Due to the inclement weather, less produce was released to the market than in the same period last year.

Raw milk currently has an average price of 20.21 baht/kg, increasing from the September 2023 price of 19.65 baht/kg because the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has announced an increase in the average price for purchasing cow milk at raw milk collection centers. To help farmers

Captain Thammanat said about the pig products: Since the current government began performing its duties has taken steps to seriously crack down on t
he smuggling of illegal pigs. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has integrated with relevant agencies, ISOC, DSI Province, and police to inspect more than 2,000 cold storage locations throughout the country, causing the price of pigs to increase. Currently, the average pig price is 67.45 baht/kg., increasing from October 2023 at 64.25 baht/kg.

Captain Thammanat emphasized that The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives will continue to drive operations in all areas according to policies and plans to raise the quality of agricultural products and prices of agricultural products. Solving the problems of farmers’ livelihoods Eat well and live well. Have a good quality of life Agricultural sector grows and farmers have a steady increase in income.

Source: Thai News Agency