“Suriya-Monporn” accelerate the improvement of the transportation network on Koh Samui


“Suriya-Monporn” went to Koh Samui to accelerate the transportation network upgrade, expanding roads to connect tourist attractions, facilitating travel, and pushing for a Cruise Terminal worth 12 billion baht, expected to start construction in 2029, open for service in 2032, supporting economic benefits of more than 46 billion baht, hoping to stimulate tourism and increase travel efficiency.

Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, revealed that during the visit to follow up on the implementation of the Ministry of Transport’s important projects in Koh Samui District, Surat Thani Province today (24 August 2024), Koh Samui is a top tourist destination in Thailand and has a large number of foreign tourists, which can generate income and have a positive impact on the overall economy of Thailand. Therefore, the Ministry of Transport has a plan to develop the infrastructure of transportation in many areas, both air, road and water, to support the growth of Koh Samui, Surat
Thani Province.

For the development of the highway network of the Department of Highways (DoH), 3 routes are currently underway, totaling 69.922 kilometers (km), namely, the construction project of Highway 4142, Ban Nai – Ban Cho – Khanom section, a distance of 47.513 km, the construction project of Highway 4014, Khlong Leng – Khanom section, a distance of 17.530 km, and the construction project of Highway 4170, Saket – Hua Thanon section (extending the full traffic lanes), a distance of 16.346 km.

The implementation of these 3 projects is to develop routes that are convenient and safe for accessing important tourist attractions on Koh Samui to Koh Tan Pier, supporting the future bridge connecting Koh Samui to the mainland, and also being a health route because there is a bicycle path to promote exercise in the tourist attractions. In addition, the development of the construction project of Highway 4170, Saket – Hua Thanon section has been expedited.

In addition, we visited Highway 4169, the road around Ko
h Samui, to follow up on the prevention and safety measures after the road was completed. During the rainy season, rocks and landslides occurred, causing inconvenience and safety for road users. Therefore, in accordance with the government’s policy, the construction project of Highway 4169, the road around Koh Samui, covering a distance of 50 kilometers, has been expedited. Currently, the entire route has been completed and is open to the public. However, there is still prevention and safety measures that need to be carried out in this area because during the rainy season, rocks and landslides often obstruct the road. We have ordered the Highways Department to expedite the survey and study the feasibility of creating a barrier to prevent such problems, with the convenience and safety of our fellow citizens being the top priority.

In addition, the Department of Highways has been assigned to study ways to increase traffic capacity on Koh Samui to solve traffic congestion problems, which will benefit local resi
dents and both Thai and international tourists.

Meanwhile, the Department of Rural Roads (DRR) will proceed with improving the connecting road from the east to the west by using the results of the original study to make improvements to make it more suitable for the current situation. Most recently, the local administration will transfer the care to the DRR to continue developing it.

Ms. Manop Jareonsri, Deputy Minister of Transport, said that the Marine Department has studied and developed a large cruise ship pier project (Cruise Terminal) at Laem Hin Khom, Koh Samui, with a total investment value of 12,172 million baht. The project has been expedited to complete according to plan in order to increase income to the province and the country, as well as to enhance tourism. The number of cruise ships that dock at Koh Samui, which is very large each year, can generate enormous income for Surat Thani Province and the country. From the project analysis, it was found that the area at Laem Hin Khom, Taling Ngam Sub
district, is the most suitable, both in terms of engineering, as it is naturally sheltered from waves and wind, is close to deep water, and has sufficient space for the development of the port.

In terms of environment and society, it will facilitate access, no sensitive areas, and no impact on the community. In terms of economics, it is an area with commercial potential and ready public utilities. The project costs and expenses over a period of 37 years are worthwhile for economic investment, with economic benefits throughout the project life of approximately 46,000 million baht and an economic return rate of more than 15%. The Department of Local Administration has analyzed and found that the joint investment in the form of PPP Net Cost is appropriate and provides maximum benefits to the government, with the private sector owning the income and bearing all possible risks. However, it is expected that the Cabinet will approve the project in 2024, construction will begin in 2029, and the service will open in

Source: Thai News Agency