Submit the Public Health Committee to follow up on the bill to make abortion easy to access.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Travel Making Group” submitted a letter to the Public Health Committee. I would like to follow up on abortion laws to be comprehensive and easily accessible.

Dr. Thotsaporn Serirak, Pheu Thai MP as Public Health Commissioner Received a letter from Ms. Supeecha Baothip, Tam Tang Group, requesting to inspect and follow up on operations. and provide recommendations to the Ministry of Public Health to increase Number of safe abortion services which receives a budget to support service fees from the National Health Security Office (NHSO) to cover the entire country. Including the announcement of a list of safe abortion service centers. As well as providing information on health rights in receiving support for abortion services. and accurate information about abortion for the public to know To enforce the new revised abortion law to truly benefit the people.

Ms. Supeecha said that even though the law allows abortion, But in practice, people who experience an unwanted pregnancy and want to access saf
e abortion services still have difficulty accessing legal pregnancy termination services. It is no different from before the law was amended in any way.

Therefore, I would like to propose Let the committee Follow up on the performance of relevant agencies. To increase the number of safe pregnancy termination services to cover the country. ,NHSO must support a unit to receive complaints that is independent of the complainant. or the Golden Patent Protection Center Can receive complaints from the rejected ,Publish information about health rights to access free and safe pregnancy termination services. ,Determine measures to solve the problem of inaccessibility of safe pregnancy termination services and publicize the policy. ,Creating information on the country’s abortion situation , Actions for creating correct knowledge and understanding about termination of pregnancy, conducting public relations campaigns. And the Ministry of Public Health should take steps to ensure termination of pregnancy. By using medicin
e via telemedicine or telemedicine.

Dr. Thotsaporn said that in the past the matter of abortion was a very difficult matter. We need permission Let women choose whether they want to continue their pregnancy. or terminate the pregnancy This must take into account safety as well. Therefore it is necessary to be looked after by a doctor. But from what I know, the problem is that I still can’t access this service. Therefore, the Public Health Commission will invite the Ministry of Public Health NHSO and relevant people come to discuss together and will invite the group that submitted the letter to come to a meeting together. To forward as policy of the government or the Ministry of Public Health.

Source: Thai News Agency