Social media must be used properly: Vice President

Internal Affairs

Social media must be used as well as possible so that it can benefit many people, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has said.

“All tools can bring benefits or disadvantages, depending on the user,” he observed while officially opening the Digital Mujahid Congress and the National Consolidation of Information and Communication Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) at the Vice President’s Palace, Jakarta, on Friday.

The same is the case with social media: it can be a blessing if it is used as a vehicle to deliver a noble goal, namely protecting and educating the nation’s life, advancing public welfare, and maintaining world order, he said.

However, social media can spell disaster if it is used to spread hoaxes, disinformation, hate speech, fraud, and bullying to bring harm.

In addition to maintaining the integrity of the nation, the proper use of social media can also help guard democracy in this modern world, Amin said.

“Democracy that used to be fought for and maintained only in the real world, now must also be maintained in the digital world,” he stressed.

Everyone must have freedom and be allowed to express opinions on social media provided they do not go too far and cause enmity between fellow countrymen.

For Muslims, the presence of social media must be optimized as a means of strengthening ukhuwah Islamiah (brotherhood in Islam), ukhuwah wathaniah (brotherhood in the nation), and ukhuwah insaniah (brotherhood among human beings).

“Do not make the people in the real world polarized and divided. This is important. Telling the truth by telling the truth, not making up stories or deceiving the public,” the Vice President said.

He further said he expects technology and information experts from MUI’s Information and Communication Commission to create educational programs for people in all corners of the country so that people become wiser in using social media and smart in using technology.

“Of course, it is also important to guard the contents because we are ordered to only discuss good things,” he remarked.

Goodness consists of two things, namely bringing benefits and warding off harm, he added.

Friday’s event was also attended by deputy general chairmen of MUI, Buya Basri Bermanda and Marsudi Syuhud; secretary general of MUI, Buya Amirsyah; head of the secretariat of the Vice President, Ahmad Erani Yustika; deputy for human development policy support and development equity, Suprayoga Hadi; and Special Staff to the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi and Robikin Emhas.


Source: Antara News

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