SME Confidence Index Q1/67 decreased


Bangkok, SME D Bank joins hands with Thammasat University to reveal SME confidence index Q1/67 52.36, still worried about operating results. Move forward with additional capital, relieving the burden on partners, developing and strengthening Support to seize opportunities to grow to their full potential

The Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand (SME D Bank) or SME D Bank by the “SME Research and Information Center” and the “Thammasat University Research and Consulting Institute” revealed the results of the survey that the confidence index of SMEs entrepreneurs’ impact on the economy and business in the 1st quarter of 2024 and future predictions Surveyed SME entrepreneurs throughout the country. Covering all types of industries, 500 samples, it was found that the overall confidence index for the 1st quarter of 2024 was at the level of 52.36, decreasing from the previous 4th quarter of 2023, which was at the level of 67.81 due to SME entrepreneurs. There is concern that operating results an
d liquidity are likely to decrease from pressing factors, including unclear government economic stimulus policies. Slowing Thai and global economic conditions and overall purchasing power decreased

When separated into consideration by industry type SMEs in the tourism sector Still have higher confidence than other groups. Because the 1st quarter of 2024 is still an overlapping period between important festivals. This causes continued spending within the country, with approximately 60% seeing that operating results will improve. As a result, liquidity, investment, and employment can increase more than other industries. Meanwhile, the construction contractor group’s confidence level decreased. and lower than other industries Because there is concern about increased operating costs. including an increase in the minimum wage and energy costs

While forecasting the next 3 months (Q2/2024), SME entrepreneurs’ overall confidence has increased to a level of 57.41 as they will benefit from the continuous tourism seas
on. Domestic consumption has improved and SME entrepreneurs expect to see clarity in the policy and receive government economic stimulus measures.

Mr. Prasit Veerasilp, Acting Managing Director of SME D Bank, concluded that from the results of the said survey. Reflects the increasing concerns of SME operators. and different confidence in each industry from economic factors that will affect it, such as the construction industry Confidence dropped due to lack of positive factors that would drive the industry. This is contrary to the tourism sector which is expected to receive full support.

However, to support entrepreneurs in the group who are experiencing liquidity problems. and encourage SME entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity to grow to their full potential. Ready to receive various supporting factors, SME D Bank provides support guidelines through the process. ‘Top up capital for development’ where the ‘financial’ side has loan products to help reduce the burden Lighten up in installments. Able to mana
ge business costs appropriately, such as the “SME Refinance” loan, the interest rate for the first year is fixed at 2.99% per year and for the first 3 years, the average is 3.50% per year. The maximum loan amount is 50 million baht, installments for up to 15 years, plus no repayments. Principal payment up to 12 months. In addition, there are “development” services such as Business Matching activities to increase opportunities for SMEs to access new markets, etc., including the “DX by SME D Bank” platform (https://dx.smebank e-Learning system helps increase the potential of SME entrepreneurs. Learn by yourself 24 hours a day.

Source: Thai News Agency