Signed with 3 agencies to upgrade crop insurance with technology


Bangkok, The Minister of Agriculture presided over the signing of cooperation between the Department of Agricultural Extension. Thai General Insurance Association and Thaicom bring science and technology systems Used in crop insurance Able to assess damage quickly and Pay compensation to farmers quickly By the Ministry of Agriculture There is a policy to expand the insurance program to cover many types of agricultural products to reduce the budget burden.

Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, presided over the signing of cooperation with the Department of Agricultural Promotion. Thai General Insurance Association and Thaicom Public Company Limited in a project to help disaster-affected farmers By applying science and technology systems to crop insurance. Ready to raise agricultural insurance standards by using space technology to be more efficient. By being honored by Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives presided over the signing ceremony at
the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Captain Thammanat said Under the cooperation of the Department of Agricultural Extension The Thai General Insurance Association and Thaicom, all 3 agencies, will work together to develop the use of science and technology systems in crop insurance. By using Earth Observation Satellite technology, Data Analytics System, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning technology to analyze together with big data such as data on farmer plots, rice varieties, disaster affected areas, and Others, with the important goal of planning and helping farmers affected by disasters receive compensation quickly and correctly. Reduces costs for farmers It also helps the government sector to have accurate information. To be used in planning to deal with disasters in a timely manner. and help reduce risks that will occur in the future as well as helping the government sector manage its budget with full efficiency. In addition, it also has an important objective in Integrate cooperation
in exchanging various information such as information Geospatial information and research to develop the potential of personnel in all three departments to have knowledge and ability. This will lead to helping drive the country’s agricultural industry forward in the future.

Mr. Peeraphan Khothong, Director-General of the Department of Agricultural Promotion, said that The Department of Agricultural Extension has laid out guidelines for driving missions in 2024, emphasizing driving spatial agricultural promotion work. Create high value agricultural products along with using existing resources efficiently. Do agriculture that is environmentally friendly (Low Carbon) and increase green space in the agricultural sector, including changing work methods to use digital technology. and drive the BCG Model, including changing work methods to use digital technology (Digital DOAE) to achieve sustainable and balanced development in both economic, social and environmental dimensions. The Department of Agricultural Extens
ion It is considered the main agency for registering farmers. Receive information on farmers affected by disasters Participate in a committee to assess damage to farmers’ plots affected by disasters. and other operations such as planning assistance and development of agriculture and farmers. Agricultural extension officials have inspected the damaged areas after the disaster. As well as linking information to the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and the Thai General Insurance Association for use in considering compensation payments to farmers who have insurance. This takes some time to complete.

Therefore, in order to make the process of paying compensation faster. Therefore, we have collaborated with Thaicom Public Company Limited and the Thai General Insurance Association. to bring knowledge and expertise Create academic cooperation Jointly integrate and develop guidelines for using science and technology systems in crop insurance. which is considered the starting point and a good opportu
nity to work together in developing a sustainable crop insurance system It is accurate and precise by using satellite technology to survey world resources. artificial intelligence technology Let’s analyze together with big data to use. It creates an incentive for farmers to turn to insurance as another option for managing risks in farming. and is beneficial to government agencies and the public and improves the quality of life of Thai farmers to have a better life. with stability Because the agricultural sector is an important foundation of Thailand’s economic system.

Dr. Somporn Suebthawinkul, President of the Thai General Insurance Association, said that the Thai General Insurance Association It is an organization that cooperates with the government sector in bringing the insurance system to use as a risk management tool for the government sector and farmers. especially the crop insurance project This is a project that the general insurance business is committed to serving as an important mechanism in risk
management. for the Thai agricultural sector To alleviate damage that may occur from natural disasters. It also helps farmers have more stability in their careers. The association acts as a crop insurance project administrator for the government sector in the rice insurance project. and the animal feed corn insurance project Which has been in operation continuously for a total of more than 12 years, which has an overall picture of the performance in underwriting covering over 210 million rai of farmland and paying compensation. The amount is more than 15,066 million baht, divided into

1. The rice insurance project from 2011 until 2022 has an insured area of ??203.7 million rai and has paid compensation in the amount of 14,611 million baht.

2. Animal feed corn insurance project, from 2009 until 2023, has an insured area of ??5.5 million rai and has paid compensation in the amount of 455 million baht.

Throughout the past, the association has developed a crop insurance project. By continuously using technolog
y to drive the crop insurance project. To answer the operational needs of all relevant sectors, including insured farmers, to be taken care of correctly and quickly. To make Thai crop insurance sustainable as follows:

Develop technology to link insurance database systems farmer registration and reporting damage Between the Department of Agricultural Extension Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives with the association in order to consider paying compensation to farmers more accurately and quickly.

Develop a damage reporting system using science and technology in damaged areas that are not in areas declared as emergency disaster assistance zones. Through the ‘Malison’ application so that insured farmers can use this application to report damages with their mobile phones. Continuing to be a Smart Farmer, which will help make agriculture in Thailand sustainable.

Introduction of satellite technology Data analysis systems and AI and Machine Learning systems are used in crop insurance. By collaborati
ng with Thaicom Public Company Limited to analyze data and examine damages in order to continue paying compensation in the crop insurance project. Which has started to be piloted in 6 provinces, including Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Roi Et and Sukhothai. The results of the study and analysis of such data can be used as guidelines for development, further expansion and expansion of operations in other areas. of the next country There will be work to expand the testing area from 6 provinces, totaling 3 million rai, to 16 provinces, totaling 13 million rai, in order to be able to manage damage surveys to be more comprehensive and efficient.

Mr. Pathompob Suwansiri, Chief Executive Officer of Thaicom PCL, said that Thaicom has important intentions in running its business for stable growth. Along with helping to develop the country to be sustainable. By developing solutions that get Big Data from space to analyze with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to u
se in planning management for the country in many dimensions. Especially the Thai agricultural sector which is an important industry of the country, therefore, joining forces with the Department of Agricultural Extension and the Thai General Insurance Association Therefore, it reinforces the mission of Thaicom. who has brought expertise in satellite business and space technology Let’s expand it to become a platform for crop insurance. To help affected farmers get the most benefit from this project.

The signing of this memorandum of understanding It can be considered as a continuation of the association’s development of such technology. In using science and technology systems in crop insurance to help disaster-affected farmers. with a common goal to continue pushing for the use of technology to assess damages throughout the country.

Source: Thai News Agency