Set up a statement after the death of the other party in the home invasion case – open the last chat


Bangkok: Lawyer Decha” along with Aku’s nephew held a press conference after one of the parties in the home invasion case died. State that the deceased repented Contact to request compensation for damages and apologize. As for the person who petitioned the court to order possession of the enemy. is the elder sister of the deceased Ready to open the last chat before the tragedy happens.

Mr. Decha Kittiwittayanan, a lawyer, and Mr. Sun Lan-aku, the owner of the house where the opposing party filed a petition for the court to order adverse possession. Set up a press conference After an incident occurred in one of the parties in the trespassing case. causing the end of one’s own life

Mr. Decha revealed that he would like to express his condolences for the incident. which Agu himself feels sorry for as well So I ask for forgiveness. But what is surprising is The lawyer of the opposing party gave an interview to the media that The media is being used as a tool for pressure. Until causing the deceased to decide to
cause tragedy. Probably not the main cause. Because complaining to the media to be a voice for help is normal. It is a news presentation to help those who have suffered to receive justice. I myself am of the opinion that the lawyers on the other side are irresponsible. Would you advise your client to intrude a second time? As a lawyer, you must have professional ethics. Morality must precede the law. The accused had great confidence in the latest lawyer. that he would be able to take the house as his own As for whether or not it will deceive the customer’s money or not. I don’t want to criticize myself. But I want people to figure it out for themselves.

For progress on the first case Where the victims reported charges of trespassing to the 5 accused, the prosecutor scheduled an order hearing on March 6th at 9:00 a.m. When one accused person died, they had to be dismissed from the case. There are 3 approaches that prosecutors will take in ordering the case: ordering all charges; Order additional exams and ord
ered not to sue

However, previously the husband of the deceased together with the husband of another accused came to meet myself and telephoned to speak with Lawyer Decha that The wife has repented for breaking into Agu’s house. which is willing to accept responsibility by compensating for all damages and contact Agu Want to pay homage to Agu before death There have been many attempts. which he himself tried to be a mediator Please talk to Agu. both damages and various cases But it might be because the negotiations haven’t gone anywhere. Therefore, it may cause stress. decided to cause this incident to happen

Things that happen, the deceased is saddened by. Trying to compensate for the damages. which the person who petitions the court to order an adverse possession order Not the deceased But it was the sister of the deceased. The deceased was aware of his actions. and ready to compensate for all damages The deceased sent a message via the Line application to Mr. Sun’s lawyer and girlfriend on February 20. T
here is a message stating that ‘Anyway, I thought of making merit for sick people like you.’

Personally, I have just seen the first case where a lawyer worked on a case and the client was so stressed that he died. which has not yet thought about submitting the matter to the Lawyers Council to examine the ethics of the litigants’ lawyers It depends on Mr. Sun. whether to proceed with the complaint or not But now Agu just says I want there to be mediation. Agu himself was both sad and shocked.

As for Mr. Sun, Agu’s nephew He expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased. No one wants this kind of thing to happen. which their own side is ready to negotiate and mediate in court I didn’t think that something like this would happen. As for the case where lawyers on the other side accuse their own side of trying to use the media to put pressure on them, Listening to it makes me feel bad. We are currently discussing how to proceed. which he himself knew The accused prepared to submit a request for negotia
tion. and will withdraw the adverse possession case But it was checked and found that it had not yet been withdrawn. The accused tried to contact him and said directly that before that he was still angry. because of repeated invasions But now it’s past that point. This matter will be discussed again.

As for whether to sell this house to the other party or not? How to proceed with the remaining parties? I’d like to ask and talk to Agu first. Because right now we are still shocked and saddened by the incident.-414-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency