“Sarawong” aims to dust off “Half of each person – we travel together” Use the low season 68

Internal Affairs

Sarawong” The Minister of Tourism aims to dust off the dust. “Half of each person – we travel together” Using the low season of 2025 to organize activities to attract Chinese tourists Golden Week

Mr. Sarawong Thianthong Minister of Tourism and Sports Revealing the 2025 tourism economic stimulus plan, he said that he is currently dismantling the plan during the low season next year by reviving the We Travel Together project because the application itself is still there, and from the number of inbound trips is quite large, which is clear that it will help both entrepreneurs and consumers.

As for the promotion of tourism at the end of 2024, Mr. Sarawong admitted that there are currently flood events that have caused airlines to cancel a lot of flights. However, it is believed that in the last quarter of this year, reservations will remain the same, and there have been no cancellations. It is proof that tourists still see Thailand as a destination.

As for the number of tourists this year, will it meet the tar
get? Mr. Sarawong said that he will do his best to compress various activities for tourists and investors, while hoping that the flood will not happen again, and affirmed that he will make every effort to stimulate the economy. Tourism and Sports also admitted that the tourism revenue figure is still 800 billion baht short. In Japan, China and India. It was found that Indian tourists spend a lot of money. Therefore, there may be more direct flights, which are currently under discussion. Meanwhile, China may promote tourism by visiting various provinces in China. To attract more quality Chinese tourists back.

As for China’s Golden Week, which is October 1st, how will the tourism promotion plan be planned? Mr. Sarawong said that at the moment, looking at the number of flights coming from China, there are still a lot of them, and if you look at the number, it is not worrisome. However, we aim to organize activities to increase per capita spending and confirm that we are not worried about the number anymore, but
per capita spending must be stimulated. However, China has recently had economic problems, resulting in significantly less spending.

When asked whether the economic stimulus program in Thailand will bring back half of the people. Mr. Sarawong said that he is trying to keep because any policy belonging to any government has been made. We will definitely use it again, but we have to dust it off well to know where the disadvantages are, and we will learn from experience, which the low season economic stimulus campaign may be issued around March or April and used during the rainy season.

Meanwhile, the plan to stimulate tourism of foreign tourists next year Mr. Sarawong said that there will be events to stimulate tourism, but there must be many parts that will be added. This will be a plan to gradually announce the project. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister himself will have a big plan for the country next year, and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports will follow the policy line.

Will the impact of the flood and th
e strengthening of the baht be assessed? Mr. Sarawong said that as far as the audit is concerned, there is no change until the end of the year, but it will affect the per capita expenditure of tourists, but it will not affect the number, and we must also take measures to help tourists, such as tax refunds more conveniently and quickly, while confirming that the revenue target is still at 3.5 trillion baht. Meanwhile, the first meeting of the Economic Stimulus Policy Board No meeting has been called.

Source: Thai News Agency