Public-private sector cooperates to measure carbon emissions.


Bangkok: Excise Department and BIG Signed a cooperation agreement for management, inspection and analysis. Guidelines for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from energy use and maintenance including efficient use of energy Leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

This signing uses the Carbon Management Platform developed by BIG. It is information to classify carbon emissions sources for use in calculating the organization’s carbon footprint. Upgrading energy management in government agencies Ready to jointly study the application of Climate Technology beyond the industrial sector.

Mr. Ekniti Nitithanprapas Director-General of the Excise Department said that due to the rapidly changing climate Affecting every sector throughout the world. The Excise Department is aware of and gives importance to such matters. Therefore, we are accelerating the push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in every dimension. There is progress in various policies and measures. In the transition and driving the country toward
s carbon neutrality and net zero greenhouse gas emissions (Net Zero), whether it be EV 3.0 and EV 3.5 electric car measures, bioplastics, carbon taxes, etc. In addition to the important role of the Department In driving policies and measures to move the country towards Net Zero within the department’s organization Various measures have been moved forward and implemented. Including promoting the reduction of resource use or the most efficient use of resources in every dimension.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding on cooperation this time It will help the Department Know the amount of carbon emissions and methods for using energy that are efficient To be information that the Department It will be used to set guidelines for raising the level. Management of resource use throughout the system To reach the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions or Net Zero of the Excise Department nationwide. This is in line with the strategy of the Excise Department to drive the economy through excise taxes. Focus
on environment, society and governance or ESG, creating international standards. Moving forward in Thailand towards sustainability

Mr. Piyabut Charupen, Managing Director of BIG, said BIG is aware of the sustainable use of energy. Therefore, the Carbon Management Platform has been developed to manage Check and analyze carbon emissions. Ready to be applied together with the government sector for the first time in monitoring energy usage and maintenance. Including the efficient use of energy by using the Carbon Management Platform from BIG. Can also be used to plan energy use. Used as information to classify carbon emissions sources for use in calculating the organization’s carbon footprint. Upgrading energy management in government agencies By using BIG’s expertise to help support the Excise Department. Aiming towards the Net Zero goal together

In addition, BIG also joins hands with RATCH Group Public Company Limited to sign a cooperation agreement to study the feasibility of producing green hydrogen from re
newable energy in Thailand and abroad. To support the demand for clean energy in the industrial sector. Transportation sector and future electricity generation Join us in driving the energy transition through innovation and technology. To reach the goal of carbon neutrality and zero greenhouse gas emissions

Source: Thai News Agency