“Prit” explains the drama of #BurmesePeoplesParty, must discuss the problems directly.

Internal Affairs

“Prit” explains the drama # Burma People’s Party must talk about the Myanmar labor problem directly, emphasizing that the labor must be brought into the system for the government to organize and solve the problem.

Mr. Parit Wacharasindhu, MP for the People’s Party, explained the criticism online with the hashtag #People’sPartyMyanmar from the debate by MPs who wanted to give rights to Myanmar workers. He insisted that the People’s Party’s approach, anything that is a problem for the people’s quality of life, must be discussed straightforwardly. In fact, in Thailand, there are more than 6,000,000 Myanmar workers, more than half of whom use illegal channels to work, through the collusion of government officials to work illegally. Therefore, it is a challenge to the management and problem-solving, and corruption in the operation has occurred, causing the government to have no information, so it cannot manage or plan anything. Therefore, the party believes that if we want to manage to the point, to prevent prob
lems that will occur and for the workers to meet the needs of Thai business owners, we must bring Myanmar workers back into the system to organize and solve the problems.

As for concerns that Myanmar workers will come to steal jobs from Thais or take away jobs from Thais, Mr. Prisht emphasized that if the government wants to manage and solve the problem, the government must first know the details of the workers and have a database. Therefore, if the problem is to be solved, it is necessary to bring workers back into the system, and some of the workers’ income must also be entered into the tax system.

Source: Thai News Agency