Prepare to propose to the Pickboard to approve 3 projects to solve the crisis of falling pork prices.


Bangkok, The Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development reveals that he is preparing to propose 3 urgent projects for Pickboard to consider and approve. To maintain price stability and solve the problem of the pig farmers’ constant loss crisis, they will cut the cycle, bring in 450,000 piglets to make suckling pigs in 3 months, push exports to more than 100,000 pigs in 6 months, along with emergency financial assistance measures to recover. Careers for small farmers

Dr. Somchuan Veterinarian Rattanamangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development said The Swine Price Stabilization Working Group of the Swine and Product Development Policy Committee (Pigboard) has consulted with relevant agencies to expedite the determination of guidelines for maintaining price stability. Solving the problem of the pig farmer’s continuous loss crisis and develop sustainable pig farming The agencies meeting with the Department of Livestock Development include: Department of Internal Tra
de Department of Foreign Trade Representative of the National Farmers Council Representative of the Bank for Agriculture and Cooperatives (BAAC), representative of the National Pig Farmers Association Representative of the Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand Representative of the Pig Producers and Processors for Export Association Private sector representatives Representative of small pig farmers Representatives from pig raising clubs and cooperatives in Thailand and experts from pickboards

For urgent projects, there are 3 projects:

1. Project to shorten the piglet cycle for suckling pig production to maintain price stability by reducing the quantity of pigs. Set an operational plan for 450,000 animals over a period of 3 months, using a total budget of 180 million baht.

2. Pork meat export project to foreign countries, which will push surplus chilled or frozen pork to be sold in foreign markets. The goal is to push the export of chilled and frozen pork by 8,400 tons (109,091 pigs) in a period of 6 mon
ths, with a budget of 252 million baht for management costs.

3. The emergency financial assistance program supported by the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives includes: Suspension of debt for farmers and debt restructuring There is also a loan program to restore the potential of pig farmers, which reduces interest rates and uses individuals as guarantors. Focus on helping small farmers The loan amount will be increased to allow small farmers to bring in more pigs.

The Livestock Department has prepared project details to present to the pickboard for approval in principle. By the next Pickboard meeting It will take place at the end of January 2024.

In addition, the Department of Livestock Development, together with the private sector, is preparing to revive the export of live pigs abroad in order to balance domestic production in line with consumption demand as one of the ways to maintain the stability of pig prices in the long term.

Source: Thai News Agency