Polarization strategy may win votes, but could harm nationhood: VP

Internal Affairs

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Candidates taking part in the 2024 election should not use a strategy of polarization to win votes because that could harm the nation’s unity, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said here on Monday.”The polarization strategy may win votes, but it can damage the country. Therefore, the strategy of winning the election must prioritize national unity even though the candidates are competing to win,” he added. He delivered the remarks at the “National Dialogue with Political Parties in Preparation for the 2024 Elections,” which was organized by the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT). The dialogue was attended by Home Minister Tito Karnavian, BNPT head Boy Rafli Amar, and representatives of political parties. “Past elections showed a sharp polarization in the society. Some supporters were striking the other with identity politics, instead of fighting ideas about statehood and programs to overcome strategic challenges at the local and global levels,” the VP said. That trend was really concerning and threatened the Indonesian nation, he added. “[In a scenario of polarization] Elections seem to be counterproductive because they have the potential to divide the nation. This is very contrary to the nation’s ideals and democracy,” he said. The government does not want to repeat the bad experience of the 2019 elections, he added. “We must really resolve and unite our steps so that the 2024 elections can be safe, peaceful, and have quality. We uphold Pancasila as the key in facing the 2024 elections,” he stressed. Election campaigns should not conflict with Pancasila values, for instance, by fanning ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup (SARA) issues, he explained. Meanwhile, the registration of presidential and vice presidential candidates has been scheduled from October 19 to November 25, 2023. The pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates will be proposed by political parties or coalitions of political parties that obtain at least 20 percent of the total House seats, or who obtained 25 percent of valid votes nationwide in the previous House election.

Source: Antara News Agency