PM reiterates ASEAN-China relations as important foundation in the region

Internal Affairs

Prime Minister Paethongtarn’ delivered a statement at the 27th ASEAN-China Summit, focusing on economic integration, people-to-people relations, and security cooperation, emphasizing that ASEAN-China relations are the foundation of peace and prosperity in this region.

Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, delivered a statement at the 27th ASEAN-China Summit, which was also attended by Mr. Li Qiang, Premier of the Chinese Office. Mr. Jirayu Huangsap, Government Spokesperson, summarized the main points as follows: The meeting on the 2nd day in the morning was a meeting of ASEAN leaders with the Prime Minister of China. Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, stated that ASEAN-China relations are an important foundation for peace and prosperity in the region, which still has much potential to be developed together to create mutual benefits between ASEAN members and China through promoting a comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, stability, prosperity, sustainable development, and friendship,
which is in line with the concept of ‘Five-Homes’ of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister emphasized the cooperation that emphasizes 3 aspects as follows:

Economic integration and connectivity: Thailand welcomes the success of the negotiations to upgrade the ASEAN-China FTA 3.0, in which ASEAN and China should take advantage of RCEP, and Thailand supports the incorporation of new members, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In order to achieve sustainable growth, it is necessary to focus on supply chain integration, including the digital and green economy, and to promote cooperation in digital connectivity, AI technology, and smart agriculture.

In terms of people-to-people relations, Thailand welcomes the success of this year, which is the ASEAN-China Year of People-to-People Exchanges, which must enhance understanding, love and unity among the more than 700 million people in the ASEAN Community by continuing visa exemption measures, increasing the number of
flights and expanding opportunities for scholarships.

In terms of security cooperation, efforts should be redoubled to deal with new security issues, especially transnational crimes, human and drug trafficking, and online fraud. Thailand welcomes China’s participation in ASEAN’s efforts to deal with environmental challenges such as transboundary haze and natural disasters.

The Prime Minister said, ‘Our prosperity and development depend on regional peace and stability. The tense situation in the South China Sea is a common cause of concern. Thailand’s principled position is to settle disputes peacefully through diplomacy, negotiation and in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Win-win cooperation must be continued to enhance trust and confidence.

On the situation in Myanmar, Thailand reaffirmed its commitment to the 5-point consensus to help Myanmar find a peaceful solution led by Myanmar and owned by Myanmar. Thailand commended the
active role of Myanmar’s neighbors, including China, in reaching this goal.

Source: Thai News Agency