“Pichai” is not worried about falling stocks.


Ministry of Finance, ‘Pichai’ is not worried about falling stocks, ‘Chulphan’ advises merchants not to hesitate, opportunities to earn income from digital money, do not worry about taxes, warns imported toys, electrical appliances must have TIS standards after large Chinese platforms invade the Thai market

Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, said that the case of the Thai stock index in the morning adjusted down 35 points, it was a movement that was consistent with many stock markets around the world. He saw that from now on, the Thai stock index would adjust better after the government had issued various measures to stimulate the economy in many areas. And the Thai stock index moved in the positive and negative territory in the range of 1,300 points, which is a fundamentally acceptable level for investors.

Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance, said that while waiting for the digital wallet to be released into the system at the end of this month, the Mini
stry of Finance is preparing to introduce additional economic stimulus measures, similar to the Ministry of Commerce, because currently, people have continuously registered via the government app, reaching over 25 million people after people successfully updated the ‘government app’, while the PGA has come out to reiterate confidence and system security.

For shop registration, once the Ministry of Commerce has concluded the total number of shop owners, it will set another date for registration. Initially, it was admitted that private convenience stores initially contacted 40,000-50,000 shops to join the project. Currently, the number has increased by hundreds of thousands. As for the community enterprise group, they must notify the Ministry of Commerce to register their convenience stores completely in order to join the project. For the shop owners who are still hesitant and are worried that they will have to pay taxes later, both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce are preparing to hold a f
orum to explain and create understanding with shop owners because the digital wallet project of 450,000-500,000 million baht, if the money circulates in 2 rounds, will total 1 trillion baht. Therefore, I do not want shop owners to overlook using this money because it is an important opportunity. And this project does not link the data to the Revenue Department. Therefore, I do not want you to worry about taxes.

Mr. Chulaphan added that in the case of the giant website Temu selling products from China, which has been invading the domestic market in large numbers recently, he has ordered the Revenue Department to closely monitor this matter in order to bring it into the tax payment system after collecting import taxes starting from 1 baht, from the original exemption of VAT imports of 1,500 baht through the Customs Department. Then, the platform will be developed to be complete in order to collect all import VAT by the Revenue Department early next year. After that, the platform provider must develop a system
to connect with the Revenue Department, including Temu, and emphasized that imports of toys and electrical appliances must have TIS standards. This Wednesday (7 August), a major announcement will be made, seizing a large number of substandard imported products.

Source: Thai News Agency