“Phumtham” declined to answer if “Gen. Pisal” would return to Thailand after the statute of limitations expired.

Internal Affairs

Phumtham” cuts off the media from asking about other matters after being pressed about “Gen. Pisal” fleeing the Tak Bai case, pointing out that it is difficult for him to resign or be expelled from the party because he has not yet been convicted of the crime. He declined to answer whether he will continue to be an MP if he returns after the statute of limitations expires, pointing out that the incident has not yet happened.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, talked about the pursuit of Gen. Pisal Wattanawongkiri, a party-list MP of the Pheu Thai Party, after the Narathiwat Provincial Court issued an arrest warrant in the Tak protest dispersal case. Should he resign or not? He said that right now, it is in accordance with the justice process. While the court has issued an arrest warrant, and the parliament has already said that only during the meeting, the privileges of the MP will be protected. After that, it will proceed according to the law. And after just expediting
the questioning, I called the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police to talk. He ordered them to proceed to the fullest extent. He has ordered all police units nationwide to arrest and bring them into the justice process. For example, Mr. Pisal’s house was searched. Nothing was found. Therefore, right now, everything is clear that no one is neglecting. As for the results, they have to be in accordance with what actually happened.

When asked if there was a proposal that to prevent Pheu Thai from being involved in this issue, General Pisal should resign or be expelled by Pheu Thai, Mr. Phumtham said that he has not yet been found guilty, so in terms of the party, it should be difficult. As for whether he will decide to take responsibility or not, it is up to him to decide. As for saying that the party was dragged into it, that is an exaggeration. Everyone understands that it is a personal matter and understands that they are following the rules. Therefore,
do not drag it into a political issue. There are already a lot of issues. The country is already in a bad state.

When asked if the Secretary-General of the House of Representatives said that General Pisal had gone on leave to seek medical treatment abroad and would return on October 30, at which time the statute of limitations had expired, Mr. Phumtham said that he was not aware of General Pisal’s leave. If the House said anything, then it would go according to the House.

When asked if he would allow him to remain an MP if he returned after the statute of limitations had expired, Mr. Phumtham said, ‘Let’s wait for the matter to happen first. Let everything go according to the process.’ Before Mr. Phumtham cut him off, ‘Are there any other issues? Because this is all there is to it.’

Source: Thai News Agency