Phuket is very alert, waiting for the queue to exercise the right before opening the chest.


PHUKET, May 7- The pre-election atmosphere in Phuket is very active. People have been waiting to exercise their rights since early morning before opening the box. Director of the Phuket Election Commission Pre-election in Phuket is expected to have more than 80% of the people turn out to exercise their rights.

In Phuket, people registered to exercise their right to vote in advance both inside and outside the constituency. very awake to the extent that many People have been waiting to exercise their rights since 6:00 p.m. Phuket has 3 constituencies, 3 constituency MPs, and more than 28,000 people have registered to vote in advance.

At the Phuket Community Hall This is one of the places that are open to people who apply to register to vote in advance outside the constituency. People lined up early in the morning before the box was opened, and as soon as the Election Commission of Thailand opened for exercise of their rights at 8:00 a.m., people who arrived early and had already checked their names began to enter. cavern Show the ID card to the officer and receive 2 cards. The purple card is the selection of MPs to divide the district, choose loved ones. As for the green card, it is a choice. List of MPs Choose your favorite party

From the observations, it was found that each citizen who exercised his right to follow the procedure correctly. Make the early elections in Phuket in good order There have been no violations of election laws.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency