Petition to dissolve 8 parties, sign MOU

Internal Affairs

Office of the Election Commission of Thailand, May 24 – “Ruangkrai” submitted to the Election Commission of Thailand to examine 8 parties joining together to sign an MOU to form a government. Is it illegal to cause the dissolution of the party? In the past, everyone sang, not just “Pita”

Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, a former member of the Palang Pracharat Party Submitted a letter to the Election Commission (ECT) requesting an examination of the 8 parties that jointly signed an MOU to form a government on May 22. whether it is in violation of Section 28 of the Organic Act (Pra.Por.Por.) on political parties or not.

Mr. Ruangkrai said that on May 22, an MOU of 8 parties was signed, which the Election Commission of Thailand should know that the past MOU signings were signed by all 8 party leaders. When he saw it, he recalled that the constitution specified that MPs must not be under a mandate. Going to sign under Section 28 of the Political Party Act has prohibited political parties from taking action Because what is signed is equivalent to agreeing to the conditions for political activities from the other 7 parties, whether this matter will fall into the scope or not, so I want the Election Commission to Check because the 7 parties that come to sign with the Kao Klai Party cannot be party members. by being a member of a political party which the leader of 7 political parties is definitely not possible One person cannot be a member of 2 overlapping parties, which is equivalent to allowing 7 parties to agree to the terms. In the past, most of the operations we have seen in establishing a government are simply holding hands and holding press conferences. No documents were signed. Therefore, he thought back to signing the MOU during the days of Mr. Somchai Wongsawat and Mr. Noppadon Pattama, would it have prohibited characteristics?

Mr. Ruangkrai said that evidence like this is not just looking at the constitution. in which he went to see the regulations of the far-reaching party Whether or not the party leader can sign an MOU with anyone which did not appear, but when looking at the Act on Political Parties that the person who is the leader of the party represents the party It is equivalent to receiving mandates from party members and party executive committees. This is the issue that will lead to the dissolution of the party or not. As for the case of holding media shares, it is a prohibited characteristic. But in this case, it was a prohibition of the actions of a political party which he prohibited. It is up to the Election Commission’s discretion whether to see it as we see it or not.

When asked if filing a complaint this time would lead to the dissolution of the Kao Far Party or not, Mr. Ruangkrai said not only the Kao Far Party, but the dissolution of all 8 parties because each party accepted the conditions. who are not party members to each other take over All 8 signed documents were signed by all party leaders. It’s not a matter of lack of personality. But it’s about whether a political party violates section 28 or not, and then it’s an offense under section 92 (3) of the Organic Act. must be submitted to the Constitutional Court for dissolution of the party or not I have facts and the reference law to check As for the details in the MOU agreement, some issues that some political parties do not follow. Can’t sing just the far-flung party alone, because all 8 parties join the action

When asked again whether he thought this request would be a condition for senators (senators) not to decide to vote for Mr. Phitha Lim Chareonrat far-reaching party leader Is it the prime minister? Mr. Ruangkrai said it was not related to the cause. Senators vote or not for Mr. Phitha

When asked further whether the complaint in the case of Mr. Phitha Is there a political intent? There is no reason to fabricate false evidence that is not Coming out to perform duties as outside of the council, he has been doing it for over 10 years. Gen. Prayut Chan-ocha, he sang the most. both about holding the position of prime minister for 8 years, oath of allegiance and about housing followed by Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan, especially about watches borrowed from friends who has repeatedly sung, if today General Prayut who is acting prime minister and go do something wrong, he cries Or that Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam made a mistake, he would cry if there was a reason to cry.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency