Personal Data Protection Law protects virtual sovereignty: Minister

Internal Affairs

Existence of the Personal Data Protection Law serves to maintain sovereignty of the country’s virtual space, Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate noted through a statement, Monday.

The ratification of the Personal Data Protection Bill marked the beginning of a new era in personal data management in Indonesia, Plate said at the commemoration of the 77th Post and Telecommunication Service Day in Bandung, West Java.

Several advancements expected to be realized through the law’s existence encompass the manifestation of the state’s presence in protecting citizens’ fundamental rights over personal data protection.

“Moreover, the law will bolster the government’s role and authority in upholding and monitoring compliance and responsibility of all parties that process personal data, both public and private,” he highlighted.

In addition, from a legal standpoint, the Personal Data Protection Law can be considered as a comprehensive, adequate, and future-oriented legal umbrella.

The Personal Data Protection Law also balances out the rights of personal data subjects with the responsibility of personal data managers in the eye of the law, he said.

From an economic and business standpoint, the government expects that compliance to the Personal Data Protection Law can be an opportunity to improve industry standards.

It is also expected to respond to the consumers’ demand for adequate personal data protection and will ultimately improve the value and competitiveness of national digital economic players on the global stage, Plate said.

Meanwhile, from a technological development aspect, the law will promote the utilization of the personal data protection perspective in every new technological development.

As a result, it will encourage ethical, responsible innovations that respect human rights.

From a cultural standpoint, the Personal Data Protection Law will make people more aware of their personal data and be respectful of other people’s personal data protection rights.

Moreover, the struggle to maintain independence in the digital space necessitates collaboration and synergy between communication and informatics ecosystem partners as well as stakeholders.

The government cannot work alone in the process of maintaining freedom in the digital space, Plate said.


Source: Antara News

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