Party leader’s book gives important directions for resolution implementation

Internal Affairs

The Party leader’s recently published a book on the resolve to successfully carry out the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress shows the Party Central Committee and the Politburo’s important directions for the implementation of political tasks of the entire country, as well as each sector and locality.

The over-500-page book, the title of which roughly translated as ‘The whole country stays united, makes use of every opportunity, overcomes all difficulties and challenges, and resolves to successfully implement the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress”, gathers 38 articles and speeches by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The articles and speeches were written and delivered by the General Secretary during the first half of the Party’s 13th tenure at meetings of the Party Central Committee and the national conferences on the implementation of the Politburo’s resolutions on orientations for socio-economic development and defence – security safeguarding in socio-economic regions by
2030, with a vision to 2045.

Each piece of writing provides recommendations of ways for all-level authorities, sectors, localities, agencies, and units to promote their activeness, mobilise resources, and enhance the determination to carry out the resolution to boost rapid and sustainable national development.

The book also points out certain difficulties and challenges that all levels, sectors, and localities must strive to address, along with opportunities they need to grasp quickly to achieve the targets set in the 13th National Party Congress’s resolution.

Expressing his interest in the writings on defence – security affairs, Tran Hai Quan, a resident in My Dinh 1 ward of Hanoi’s Nam Tu Liem district, said they show that the stability and sustainable development of all socio-economic aspects form the solid foundation for defence – security, and that the building of the defence – security strength must serve the goal of creating a favourable environment for socio-economic development.

The articles and
speeches pointed out that key economic regions are also located in key defence zones where there are many important targets that must be protected. These regions are also often taken advantage of by hostile forces to conduct ‘peaceful evolution’ in the country. Therefore, the Party leader underlines the necessity to concurrently develop the economy and enhance defence – security in the regions, Quan noted.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Dinh San, Secretary of a Party cell in Ngoc Ha ward of Hanoi’s Ba Dinh district, noted he is impressed with the writing on the continued promotion of Doi moi (Renewal) and the capitalisation of every opportunity and advantage to weather all difficulties and challenges to successfully implement the resolution.

He cited General Secretary Trong as saying in the article that to effectively carry out the resolution, administrations at all levels need to press on with administrative reform, especially administrative procedures; the e-Government and e-administration building; the improvement of
judicial activities’ quality, efficiency and effectiveness; the combat against corruption and negative phenomena; and the promotion of activities of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-economic organisations to help boost the public’s consensus and the great national solidarity./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency