OIC relaxes criteria Foreigners own shares in insurance companies


Bangkok: The OIC opens to listen to comments on the draft criteria. Relaxation for foreigners to hold more than 49% of shares in life insurance companies in the case of business rehabilitation.

The Office of the Insurance Commission (Office of the Insurance Commission) has prepared a draft announcement from the Ministry of Finance on criteria, methods, and conditions or conditions for requesting a waiver and granting a waiver to allow non-Thai nationals to hold shares in excess of 49 percent of the total number of shares or having foreign directors More than half asked for all directors. In the case of life insurance companies Having a position that may cause damage to the insured or the public

The purpose of preparing the draft announcement of the Ministry of Finance this time is to prepare in advance for unexpected events. This may happen in the future and may affect the financial position of the life insurance company. This announcement will provide the company and the Office of the OIC with tools to sol
ve problems successfully. At this time, the Office of the OIC is in the process of listening to comments on the draft Ministry of Finance announcement. To bring comments and suggestions to improve the draft announcement further. You can download the entire draft announcement at https://www.oic.or.th/th/public-hearing

Source: Thai News Agency