Offering opinions on digital wallet problems did not come at the right time.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, “Pichit” stated that people claiming to be NACC members rushed to offer opinions on digital wallet issues at the wrong time. Blocked before I could do anything. Fear of being an obstacle in government administration Appeal to those in power to look at the people.

Mr. Phichit Chuenban, Advisor to the Prime Minister Posted a message via social media stating that over the past week, recommendations regarding the 10,000 baht top-up project through Digital Wallet have been published, claiming that these are recommendations from the ONCB committee. to the Cabinet (Cabinet) in accordance with the Constitutional Act on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption B.E. 2018, Section 32. Later, Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, Secretary-General of the ONCB. C.C. clarified that at this time, the NACC has no comments. About the said project Because we have to wait for each NACC committee member to send back a summary opinion before making a resolution and sending the opinion to the government.

However, the draft docum
ent regarding the recommendations for the 10,000 baht top-up project has been released. Many parties have noted the appropriate timing of the recommendations, whether it is “right timing or not” because the 10,000 baht top-up project via Digital Wallet is one of the projects that the Prime Minister has stated in his policy statement to Parliament on September 11, 2023. The Cabinet passed a resolution on October 3, 2023, approving in principle the appointment of a top-up project policy committee. To act in setting policies, objectives, and guidelines for project implementation. Terms and Conditions and the source of the money that will be used in the project To propose to the Cabinet. After the Policy Committee A subcommittee has been appointed to drive the project. To study, consider and analyze project implementation. and the source of the money that will be used in the project Including recommending policies, objectives, guidelines, criteria and conditions for project implementation. To present to the Polic
y Committee

Mr. Phichit said that currently the project to top up 10,000 baht via Digital Wallet is under consideration by the Policy Committee. To consider the source of money that will be used to carry out the project. which has not yet been resolved Because the facts, opinions or observations of the members of the Policy Committee must be considered. Including information from government agencies, the private sector, and the people involved must be carefully and thoroughly first, as the Council of State has commented. And when the Policy Committee Consideration completed Must be presented to the Cabinet. to consider again If the Cabinet approves, there are still various processes and procedures. to present the draft Loan Act to the House of Representatives for consideration in accordance with Section 133 of the Constitution. When the draft Loan Act is submitted to the House of Representatives, there are still steps that the legislature has to take. who are representatives of the Thai people will jointly c
onsider various details of the project together again If approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate There is also a process to examine the constitutionality of the draft money loan act from the Constitutional Court. Finally, if the Constitutional Court decides that the draft Money Loan Act is not contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution, It will be enacted into law. and the Ministry of Finance will have the power to borrow money.

‘Various processes This is said It is a legal process which is a process of examination according to the democratic method. that the government has acted on the basis of good faith in accordance with the principles of the Constitution There is no hidden or hidden intent. In order to find a solution that many sides criticize in any way. Because the government sees that the project This is important in stimulating the economy. and can help cover more than 50 million people, while there are still many people still waiting for the 10,000 baht top-up project via Dig
ital Wallet, which the government is trying to fully expedite. Although it is always good to have suggestions about government projects that various sectors are investigating, But it must be based on definitive facts. It should not be assumed. or anticipated the situation further than it should have been At present the project It is still under consideration by the Policy Committee. appointed by the Cabinet which has not yet started any operations in order to borrow money The fact that many parties rushed to give suggestions to the project So it might be a little too early. Not at the right time as it should be and may become an obstacle in government administration So he could only appeal to those in power. Please turn your eyes and look at the people. And it’s better to wait and see if the timing is appropriate,’ Mr. Phichit said.

Source: Thai News Agency