NIDA Poll reveals the results of a survey on the issue of people with influential behavior in the area.


The polling center “NIDA Poll” reveals the results of a nationwide survey of people on the topic “Influential people and government officials”, totaling 1,310 samples about influential people in the area. The survey was conducted between 12-14 September 2023 from citizens aged 18 years and over.

Opinion polling center “Nida Poll” reveals the results of a public survey on “Influential people and government officials.” The survey was conducted between 12-14 September 2023 from citizens aged 18 years and over, distributed in every region. Educational levels, occupations, and incomes throughout the country, totaling 1,310 sample units. About influential people and government officials The survey relies on random sampling. By using the probability from the Master Sample database of “NIDA Poll”, sampling using the Simple Random Sampling method. Data were collected by means of telephone interviews. The confidence value was set at 97.0 percent.

From the survey when people were asked about groups of influential people in the province, it was found that a sample of 49.54 percent stated that there was no one in the area. was an influential person, followed by 26.34% said local politicians, 15.95% said kamnan, village headman, village chief inspector, assistant village headman, 15.80% said police, 13.21% said civil servants, central government officials, regional and local government officials, 12.14% said merchants, Business: Gray capitalists: 6.03 percent said merchants, businessmen, general capitalists; 5.95 percent said national politicians; 5.04 percent said hooligans and gunmen; 4.81 percent said soldiers; 2.44 percent said community committee chairmen; 0.76 percent said mass media. People in the entertainment industry and 0.38 percent said they didn’t know/didn’t answer/were not interested.

Regarding the courage of people to have problems or conflicts with influential people, it was found that 60.30 percent of the sample said they were not brave at all, followed by 16.34 percent that they were not very brave, 12.75 percent said that they were already brave, and 9.08 percent said that said they were quite brave and 1.53% said they didn’t know/didn’t answer/were not interested.

Public opinion regarding police protection and justice government official When people had problems or conflicts with influential people, it was found that 38.93 percent of the sample said they were not at all confident, followed by 37.10 percent said they were not very confident, 13.51 percent said they were somewhat confident, 9.92 percent said they were very confident, and 0.54 indicates not knowing/not answering/not interested.

Finally, when asked about people’s opinions about the presence of police. Some government officials act like subordinates. Protecting influential people found that 59.77 percent of the sample said they believed it a lot, followed by 26.49 percent said they somewhat believed it, 8.32 percent said they didn’t believe it at all, 4.35 percent said they didn’t believe it at all, and 1.07 percent said they didn’t know. Don’t answer/not interested

When considering the general characteristics of the sample, it was found that 8.55 percent of the sample had their hometown in Bangkok, 18.55 percent had their hometown in the central region, 18.01 percent had their hometown in the northern region, 33.44 percent had their hometown in the northeastern region, 13.74 percent had their hometown in the southern region. and 7.71 percent were domiciled in the eastern region. For example, 48.09 percent were male and 51.91 percent were female.

For example, 12.90% were 18-25 years old, 17.79% were 26-35 years old, 18.93% were 36-45 years old, 26.64% were 46-59 years old, and 23.74% were 60 years old and over. For example, 96.18% were Buddhists. 2.67 percent believe in Islam and 1.15 percent believe in Christianity and other religions.

For example, 34.35 percent were single, 63.13 percent were married, and 2.52 percent were widowed, divorced, separated. For example, 25.04 percent had completed primary education or less. 37.25 percent had completed secondary education or equivalent. 7.02 percent had completed an associate’s degree or equivalent. 26.34 percent graduated with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and 4.35 percent graduated with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

For example, 9.77 percent were civil servants/employees/state enterprise employees. 16.03 percent were private employees. 20.08 percent were self-employed/self-employed. 13.21 percent were farmers/fishermen. 17.10 percent were general contractors/laborers. 17.25 percent are housekeepers/housewives/retired/unemployed and 6.56 percent are students.

Example: 22.37 percent have no income, 20.00 percent average monthly income is not more than 10,000 baht, 29.62 percent average monthly income 10,001-20,000 baht 10.38 percent average monthly income 20,001-30,000 baht, 3.28 percent, average monthly income 30,001-40,000 baht, 3.74 percent, average monthly income 40,001 baht or more, and 10.61 percent did not specify income.

Source: Thai News Agency