New Tiger found at Kaeng Krachan National Park


Phetchaburi, Kaeng Krachan National Park in Phetchaburi Province announced the finding of a new tiger in a forest at Khao Panoen Thung which is considered a valuable and beautiful natural heritage in the country.

The first record of a tiger is found through a camera trap wildlife study on February 18. The camera is a property of Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua, a researcher from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsat University.

Mongkol Chaipakdee, chief of the Kaeng Krachan National Park, said the camera trap installed at Khao Panoenthung obtained one photo and one clip vedio of a new tiger.

The first ever recorded tiger is a mature cat and the gender is unkown. After checking with the data base, this tiger is newly recorded and it is given the identifying code as KKT-005.

The first tiger which was spot via camera trap was in 2013. It is called ‘Yaya’ and given code name as KKT-001F. The second one is called ‘Nadech’ with code name as KKT-002M and was firstly spot in 2019. The third one is female tiger call
ed, KKT-113F, found in November 2023 and KKT-004 firstly found in December 2023 and the gender is unknown.

Source: Thai News Agency