NESDB joins hands with FTI to promote ‘Now Thailand’ to drive sustainable economic growth while protecting the environment.


The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has joined hands with the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) to organize an academic seminar called ‘Eco Innovation Forum 2024’ under the theme ‘Now Thailand: Sustainable Futures: Investing in Thailand for a Sustainable Future’, emphasizing the importance of developing the Thai economy for sustainable growth alongside environmental conservation.

Mr. Ekkanat Promphan, Minister of Industry, gave the opening speech of the 2024 academic seminar ‘Eco Innovation Forum 2024’ and delivered a special speech under the concept of ‘Now Thailand: Sustainable Futures, Investing in Thailand for a Sustainable Future’, emphasizing the importance of developing the Thai economy to grow sustainably, along with preserving the environment.

Mr. Ekkanat stated that although the Thai economy in the second quarter of 2024 expanded by 2.3 percent, to maintain long-term growth, it is necessary to stimulate private sector investment, build confidence in foreign investors, upgrade with innovation and technology, and develop an ecosystem conducive to investment. The direction of Thai industrial development must be towards sustainability, be environmentally friendly, and be ready to deal with various challenges from the situation, geopolitics, and trade barriers. The government is committed to enhancing the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and dealing with changes in technology and production structure. It will cooperate with all sectors to create opportunities for national development, which Thailand must start from today (Now Thailand). Thailand is not only an investment destination, but also a ‘expressway’ that will accelerate investment and develop infrastructure to support sustainable and environmentally friendly new industries.

The Ministry of Industry has policies to drive 3 main areas: toxic industrial waste management, promotion of competitiveness of Thai industries, and creation of new economic industries. The strategies are to adjust the industrial economic structure, develop energy infrastructure, promote the green economy, and achieve carbon neutrality. It is committed to supporting entrepreneurs to achieve the goals of sustainable industries that are environmentally friendly and grow with the community, in line with the MIND 4 dimensions: business success, well-being with society as a whole, compatibility with international rules, and income distribution to the community.

For important missions in fiscal year 2025, the ministry will focus on promoting soft power, driving future industries, upgrading the industrial economy, promoting green industries, driving the Halal Industry Center, reducing air pollution, managing industrial waste, developing infrastructure, and upgrading the ministry’s services.

Mr. Sumet Tangprasert, IEAT board member and acting governor of IEAT, said that the IEAT, together with the FTI, organized the Eco Innovation Forum 2024 academic seminar for the 8th consecutive year. The main objectives are to disseminate the results of ecological industrial cities, honor related organizations, support the development of Thai industries with technology and innovation, increase economic value sustainably, and aim for Carbon Neutrality by 2050 through the 3R approach: 1. ‘Reduce’ carbon dioxide emissions that cause climate change; 2. ‘Recycle’ natural or clean energy, such as solar power, wind power, or hydropower; and 3. ‘Offset’ carbon used through activities such as reforestation, investment in renewable energy, or purchase of carbon credits to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. All of this is in line with the policy of industrial reform towards a new era economy that is environmentally friendly, adhering to the principles of Clean, Convenient, and Transparent, leading the Thai industrial se
ctor to international standards and attracting foreign investment.

Mr. Kriangkrai Thienukul, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries, said that the Thai and global economies are facing challenges from technological changes, trade wars, geopolitical conflicts, and climate change, which have resulted in Thailand’s GDP growth averaging lower than that of neighboring countries over the past 10 years. To cope with these challenges, the industrial sector must continuously adapt and seek new business opportunities. Sustainable development is therefore important. Thailand has set a goal to reduce carbon and move towards a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, which is an environmental imperative and an opportunity to create a new economy.

The FTI drives the Thai industrial sector through the ONE FTI policy by upgrading existing industries and creating new industries such as electric vehicles, smart electronics, biotechnology, and robotics to drive the economy and sustainable development, leading to ecological factories, green industries, and Net Zero.

In addition, FTI also promotes SME entrepreneurs to become Smart SMEs with the concept of 4GO: GO Digital and AI, GO Innovation, GO Global, and GO Green to increase competitiveness and develop Thailand in a stable and sustainable manner. NOW Thailand today is not just a plan or concept, but a collaboration between the government, private sector, civil society, and financial institutions to accelerate investment and upgrade industries to the Next-Gen Industry that emphasizes sustainability and is environmentally friendly. With a common goal under the concept of ONE FTI (One Vision, One Team, One Goal), FTI and IEAT are ready to partner with both domestic and international investors who share the same vision to create a sustainable future and move towards a low-carbon society.

For the 2024 academic seminar “Eco Innovation Forum 2024”, there will also be a ceremony to present plaques of honor and certificates of honor to industrial estates and industrial factories that have successfully developed into eco-industrial cities. There are 9 industrial estates that have been upgraded to eco-industrial cities at the Eco-World Class level, 25 at the Eco-Excellence level, 40 at the Eco-Champion level, 79 eco-industrial factories (Eco Factories) and 5 outstanding greenhouse gas reduction network factories.

Source: Thai News Agency