“Natthaphong” reiterates that no matter what the punishment is, justice should be served.

Internal Affairs

“Nattapong”, the opposition leader, reiterated that no matter which section is punished, justice should be served after the Amnesty Committee withdrew its report – preparing to talk to the party leader, believing that holding a referendum only 2 times may be in time for the 2027 election, saying that it is normal, talking to each party in front of the house and behind the house, pushing for the amendment of the constitution, confirming that there has been no sign of not agreeing with the 6 packages of the People’s Party.

Mr. Nattapong Ruangpanyawut, leader of the Prachachon Party and leader of the opposition in the House of Representatives, talked about the 7 packages of the Prachachon Party’s constitutional amendments, saying that the amendments must receive the unanimous agreement of all parties, whether they are the senators, the government, or the opposition. What the Prachachon Party insists on now is that the ethical standards are a problem that must be resolved, but right now it has to be put on hold
because if the government side does not agree, the progress of all 7 packages may be rejected. Therefore, we have put the ethical standards on hold, with the remaining 6 packages that are still beneficial to the people, such as military conscription, education rights, and various rights of the people, which are also included in the remaining articles of the constitutional amendment drafts. He believes that if the government sees the same benefits, there is no reason not to agree with the other 6 drafts of the constitutional amendments. He confirmed that the constitutional amendment can be carried out simultaneously, both as a whole amendment and a sectional amendment, which will be discussed in pushing forward the remaining 6 drafts of the constitutional amendment.

‘We still insist that the amendment of ethical standards is a systemic amendment, not just an amendment of politicians. I insist that politicians must have ethical standards, but the mechanism must be a mechanism that monitors the organization its
elf. It should not be threatened by an organization or organization, such as the Constitutional Court, which comes in to set the rules and enforce them itself,’ said Mr. Nattapong.

When asked if he would need to seek additional allies, such as the Bhumjaithai Party, Mr. Nattapong said that no matter which party sees the benefits of amending the constitution, he believes that they will receive support. For the remaining 6 packages from the Prachachon Party, there have been discussions both at the front and behind the scenes. He thinks that this is a normal process. He confirmed that he has not seen any signs of disagreement. However, as everyone has seen in the media, it is like the matter of ethical standards. Before, all political parties had always agreed, but in the end, some opinions changed. Therefore, he would like people to follow the meeting. In the past, there have been discussions all along, but he cannot speak for other parties. At the moment, he can say that he has not seen any signs of disagreem
ent. These 6 packages are expected to be implemented in October.

When asked about the latest draft of the referendum bill, the senators confirmed that the amendment by a two-tier majority vote must be rejected and returned to the Prachachon Party MPs, what is the position? Mr. Nattapong admitted that this is a matter of concern that the amendment will not be completed in time for the 2027 election because if the referendum bill is not completed in time and the senators do not agree, a joint committee may have to be set up, which will prolong the consideration process and cause a delay.

However, I think there is still a way to make the entire amendment in time for 2027 if there is only two referendums. The coalition parties have come out to express their opinion that it is in time, which is consistent with the opinion of the Prachachon Party. This matter must be discussed with the opposition and the government. It may have to be done within the parliament. Discuss with the president of the parliament about t
he possibility of including the draft amendment.

When asked about the report of the Amnesty Committee that the government requested to withdraw from the parliament agenda first in order to talk with the leaders of all parties about the position of the accused in the Section 112 case, what is the position of the Prachachon Party? Mr. Nattapong said that there is no reason to withdraw the draft report first because the report is only an expression of opinions, showing many options, and we can move forward together. Therefore, he still thinks that there is no reason to withdraw the draft because it is not binding.

Second, the People’s Party sees that many people have been affected by political incidents in the past. I think that those affected should be compensated, enter the justice process, and receive justice. No matter how the case is prosecuted, no matter what the article, they should receive justice and compensation.

Source: Thai News Agency