“Nattawut” explains that the Prachachon Party participated in October 14, but did not attend the event with His Majesty King Rama IX.

Internal Affairs

Parliament 15 Oct – “Nattawut” explains “People’s Party” joins 14 Oct but does not join “King Rama IX” Day due to coordination obstacles. Reveals that the court order on Section 112 must be used as a framework for policy. Insists that this law has problems. It must be seen how far it can be moved forward. Emphasizes that the donation money is correct. There is no official petition yet.

Mr. Nattawut Buaprathum, MP for the party list and executive committee of the Prachachon Party, talked about the ethics investigation of MPs in the party since the Move Forward Party era until the Prachachon Party, saying that those who were prosecuted while they were members of the Move Forward Party at that time, when the Move Forward Party ended, everything ended in terms of regulations. But in terms of the continuity of being a political party, this case was not a normal party transfer. And if there were actions that occurred today, it would be the party’s business to investigate and find the facts. In the establishment of
political parties in the past, despite some obstacles, the restructuring was almost 100% complete. There are responsibilities at many levels. If they are general members who are not politicians, they will be under his responsibility as the party registrar who will be the one to take action. There will be some complaints, which are being handled. But there have been no serious cases to the extent that MPs have committed serious offenses. And for some matters that are personal problems, we will have to consider whether to send that person to run in the next election or not.

When asked if there had been any observations in the past that the party had supported MPs, Mr. Nattawut said that there had not been. The media brothers and sisters probably know this well, but the difficulty and severity of each case are different. However, he has summarized the lessons learned from what could not be done fully during the Move Forward Party era to issue new regulations of the Prachachon Party on how to respond to the vict
ims and those who voted for our party.

As for the party company money that has disappeared, but someone has filed a complaint, what is the progress now? Mr. Nattawut said that he has not seen a report or details on the issues that have been filed, and he has not been contacted by the agency that someone filed a complaint about whether or not the Prachachon Party will acknowledge the charges. Therefore, he does not know how many complaints have been filed against the Prachachon Party in an informal manner, but there have been no official ones sent to the party. Regarding donations, we have always confirmed that it is not a new donation account opening, but an account of the party from the past. When we moved here, there was continuity since the time of the Thin Ka Khao Chaow Wilai Party. In the past, there have always been announcements about where the donated money was spent. Therefore, none of the administrative complaints against the party have caused any concern or concern that would lead to other problem
s for the party.

As for what will happen next on Section 112, Mr. Nattawut said that almost all policies have been considered continuously since the Move Forward Party era. Each policy must be examined in detail to see if it has been pushed forward or not. As for Section 112, he has always emphasized that he sees the problems in enforcing this law, which must be consistent. However, he respects the Constitutional Court’s ruling, which will be used as a framework for moving forward. If the Section 112 problem is to be resolved, how much will it proceed according to the framework set by the court and what the party will do? He would like to call for amnesty. If there is a consensus among society, he would like everyone to help follow up. A conclusion should be found for society and some justice should be returned to those affected by the case.

When asked about the sensitive issue, such as October 14, the anniversary of the October 14 event, the Prachachon Party went to lay a wreath, but October 13, the annive
rsary of King Chulalongkorn, the Prachachon Party did not go, will this cause suspicion from the conservative side? Mr. Nattawut said that in the case of every ceremony that was contacted or coordinated, we participated all the time. On October 13, I myself participated in the ceremony in Ang Thong Province, and fellow members also participated in ceremonies in other provinces. However, from initial inquiries, it is expected that it may have been a coordination issue that prevented us from laying a wreath. However, for other days, we have always attended, and all ceremonies were conducted according to the regulations set by the council.

The reporter asked further whether the participation of the Prachachon Party MPs was a personal participation at the provincial level, not the party’s central level. Mr. Nattawut said that he did not know the details, but in October, it can be seen that there were many important days that had to be separated between the ceremonial issues and the important days of our brothers
and sisters, which we ranked as equally important. -315.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency