“Narumon” proposes a plan to restore agricultural areas after the flood recedes, budget 3,700 million baht


The Minister of Agriculture revealed that he has prepared a plan to rehabilitate agricultural areas in terms of plants, fisheries, and livestock. He is preparing to submit a central budget of 3.7 billion baht to the Cabinet tomorrow. He will also discuss with the Comptroller General’s Department to consider paying additional contributions from the compensation money because the planting period has passed.

Mrs. Narumon Pinyosinwat, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, said that she has assigned the Department of Agricultural Extension to survey the damage of farmers affected by the flood in order to pay compensation according to the Ministry of Finance’s regulations on the government’s reserve fund to assist victims of emergency disasters B.E. 2562, which has already been submitted to the Ministry of Interior. For the agricultural recovery plan after the flood recedes, there are projects to promote careers in plants, fisheries, and livestock, which will be submitted to the Cabinet for approval of the ce
ntral budget of 3.7 billion baht tomorrow. The latest is that approximately 1 million rai of damaged agricultural areas, with farmers who grow rice receiving support for rice seeds, while farmers who grow other crops will receive plant species. The fisheries sector has a project to support aquatic animal species, while the livestock sector has a project to breed animals with short breeding cycles, such as ducks and chickens, as well as a project to grow animal feed crops. If the Cabinet approves the budget, the Ministry of Agriculture will immediately take action.

In addition, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture has been assigned to discuss with the Comptroller General’s Department about the possibility of paying additional contributions in addition to the compensation money because the planting period is over now and farmers have no income. If the Comptroller General’s Department believes that it can be done, it will provide additional assistance to farmers.

Source: Thai News Agency