“Nantana” supports amending the code of ethics for politicians.


“Nantana” supports amending the Code of Ethics for Politicians because it is abstract. It must be made clear, compliable, and should not have retroactive effects – 7-9 judges should not be the ones to decide.

Senator Nantana Nantvaropas spoke about the amendment of the constitution, especially the Code of Ethics for Political Office Holders, saying that the new generation of senators had a shared opinion from the beginning that the current constitution has flaws in every area. A new draft should be drafted, but looking at the process, it is considered very slow. Starting with the referendum law, which is currently in the Senate committee stage, so holding a referendum may not happen in time for this government. If there is a process to amend the constitution section by section to reduce flaws and solve problems with the political status, it is seen that it would be beneficial and supportive of amending each issue. However, it is necessary to look at the details again to see if each section proposed for amendment is reasonable or not.

As for the observation that the proposed amendment to the Code of Ethics is to benefit one’s associates, Ms. Nantana said that this issue arose from the stipulation that ethics should be included in the law, when in reality, the issue of ethics should be a matter for each profession or organization to agree on their own which behavior is appropriate and which is inappropriate. However, when it comes to the law, there are no clear requirements on what can be done.

It cannot be done. In the end, it must rely on interpretation by letting the judges exercise such power. This makes ethics, which is highly abstract, depend on 7-9 judges to consider. Therefore, fairness here should be clear so that those who practice will know what can and cannot be done. And there should be no retroactive effect on the past life. Anything that was done 20 years ago is brought back to consider, even though at that time, they did not even know that they would become politicians. But they have brought up past matters to deal with them in the present.

Source: Thai News Agency