Nan flooded, thousands of houses submerged, fear of repeat of 2011


Nan Province enters a critical state, flooding spreads to 10 districts, the worst hit is Tha Wang Pha District, water is more than 2 meters high, single-storey houses are flooded up to the roof.

The flood situation in Nan Province has reached a critical level. Flooding has spread to 10 districts. More than 1,000 houses have been flooded. The worst flooding occurred in Tha Wang Pha District. Many areas have water levels higher than 2 meters. Single-story houses have been flooded up to the roof. The water level continues to rise. The district has prepared an evacuation point at Tha Wang Pha Pittayakhom School.

While the Nan River water level measured at N64 Pha Khwang Station is at 12.20 meters, exceeding the critical level of 9.5 meters, rising 20 centimeters per hour and flowing into Muang Nan District, water overflowed from leaks and pushed the drainage pipes. The mayor of Nan announced a warning for people in risk areas to pack their belongings and move cars and vehicles to higher ground because the wate
r volume is expected to be as heavy as 2011. Currently, all water gates have been closed and water is being pumped out quickly, with additional large water pumps requested to prepare for the large mass of water flowing into the city.

Source: Thai News Agency