NACC discusses guidelines to close loopholes that facilitate corruption in the film industry


NACC discusses with 12 units to lay down guidelines to close loopholes that facilitate corruption in the foreign filming industry in Thailand, aiming to set up a one stop service to consider permission.

From the problem of filming foreign movies in Thailand and complaining that There were government officials who collected money to block or not facilitate filming even though permission had already been granted. It cannot yet be answered whether this occurred from the actions of government officials legally or not. But it affects the image of Thailand. Makes foreigners understand that Thailand must pay money, or what is called a bribe, to facilitate because one factor that appears is that there is no receipt issued.

Mr. Phumwisan Kasemsuk, Secretary-General of the NACC, as Chairman of the Sub-Committee. Acts as a supervisor and is responsible for studying problems in the foreign filming industry in Thailand. Had a meeting with 12 related agencies including: Bangkok Department of Tourism Immigration Bureau H
eadquarters Tourist Police Headquarters, Marine Department, which is a member of the subcommittee studying the said problem. To propose measures to prevent and suppress corruption in the public sector to the Cabinet. Prepare to put in place measures to ensure transparency. Reduce the suffering of entrepreneurs in the film industry. To be corrected and facilitated correctly and fairly, with a proposal to expedite the establishment of a one stop service center together to allow coordination and requests for filming. Contact at one point and have clear steps to follow There are no problems with the delay in the approval period for filming, which does not correspond to the duration of the filming of the film. Problems arising from the use of various judgments of government officials which may facilitate corruption Including problems with the behavior of collecting money from government officials.

However, the results of this study will lead to government measures to facilitate. Push and promote the foreign filmi
ng industry in Thailand as one of Soft Power to develop Thailand’s potential to international countries. Build confidence among investors and foreigners. This will help promote the elevation of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score of Thailand.-119-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency