Multi-business scheme will not affect forests negatively: ministry


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has assured that the multi-business forestry permit scheme will not have a negative impact on the condition of forests in Indonesia.

“We can control every permit because if they cannot fulfill their obligations, the permit can be revoked. This is one mechanism to keep this program running,” director general of sustainable forest management at the ministry, Agus Justianto, said during a “Multi-business—Obstacles and Solutions” workshop in Jakarta on Thursday.

Based on the calculation of the nationally determined contributions (NDC), the food and land use coalition (FOLU) can help cut carbon emissions by nearly 60 percent, he informed.

The paradigm shift from a wood-oriented to a landscape ecosystem-oriented approach to utilizing non-forestry products through a forestry multi-business permit scheme requires permit owners to protect the forestry sector and land use to avoid increasing new greenhouse gas emissions, he explained.

The ministry will closely monitor existing schemes, including regulations. Once entrepreneurs are granted a permit, they will be required to make a business work plan in accordance with the ministry’s regulations.

After that, the business owners will have to report their annual work plan, which will be monitored and evaluated by the government, specifically in terms of the management of forest diversification, to prevent damage to forests.

The multi-business forestry scheme marks a new era of forest exploitation in Indonesia that is born out of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, which has opened up opportunities for forestry businesses to diversify their portfolios and increase their impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects, Justianto said.

The government policy derived from these regulations, namely Government Regulation Number 23 of 2021 on forestry administration, provides guidance on organizing forest use with multi forestry enterprises (MUK).

This has been followed by a policy regarding Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 target, which has been issued through the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 168 of 2022 and provides a commitment to support the law, Justianto added.


Source: Antara News

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